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A-2019-234 <br />lv;, imony in connection with any !eg2l matters in winch they have beer em npeliccl to provide <br />testtmorty even it the testittrnny could o:: de:cracu disparaging; To the ohhcs parly- <br />11. t7TilEk IZE-riiF:SF.`ti7:�:i'LCJl4;t.:li! R';*aitF2..t�TIF.S <br />a. Plainti!Ts represent and warrant that they ,javc not assigned or transferred any <br />clairn eavco:.d hereby to anv oshcr 2nerwri or entity of authorised any orhel person or cnliiy to <br />assert any Such claim on Ills behalf. <br />b. Plainti f fs represent and warrant that they halt. c.,r4 ully read and tulle Un crsiand <br />all of the p otncicnls of this Agrceirtcnt, that they a_c totwilurily entering, into this Agreent..s,1, <br />and that flicy have the capacity tin enter into this A xrcetncnt. <br />C. Plairltafls rerrrscnt and warritni lhaj They' have N:ca given the opl)tlrmotty to ict#n <br />independent I •gal !!clvtcc from anorricys of their own choke With. respuel to the adviilbxllty of <br />C.WeL tinsl this Agrcetment and the meaning of Cal[fitrnia Civil Caatc. Section 1542. <br />d. Plaintiffs reprw'sent and warrant that rtta one Kati rr m& uny STal(Men.l (,r <br />rrprest-ntation to them rcgdrdintg any fact rahod upon in emcuting this Agrecrnem jother Ulan <br />thcie attomey� tat ggemsi gild 1,ia+tnii35 havc not relied upors any ,,wLcntent, re.pres.t atariun or <br />pmmiisc Smarty of the City Rel€asses other than these contained herein- <br />c. PlisumfN rcgresent and wartanl that they have mule such investiF,atioa of the <br />faced pe:rtaintng n; this Agreen!ent that they down necessary- <br />f° The City rcprescnts anti warrants that it has not assig ncd or t•3nsfi rwd any e[airn <br />covered hereby un alit olltt-r ;14—men or witty or authaxrizad any oEhcr person or entiry to R.wrt <br />wnysnch slain, on its IVhalf. <br />y. The City mpresenli and wbarrarns that its audiorized rLareser. Sties lutx a.n Cully <br />road and C'Wly mi0cratandv ill aar ahc pr(s+ibi,.;wa txf t1148 Agreeniciii. that the City is volur: dri¢y <br />entering inlu th•,`;s Agreement. and thus the City h, s the c-sttuc.ity toenter wto this Agreement. <br />5: The City represents and warianis th.aa it has been given the opportunity to seek <br />independent It,-nd advice f:rntt at onleys of it+ own choice with res- et to the advisabi tr,. ot- <br />cucutang this A�7. ccnlcni ants" ihr meaning tat C ah l'itmia Civil Code Sc:er%eni 1542. <br />i.. Tile City repmscnts artu txarrxn4hi that no, one has made any suUcrnent or <br />rl'.pIS:SCnt8lic}n Ita ijt rCQardtng aly fitvi relied upon era executing this Am-ecirient (other than its <br />ailorrieys or agentsl and the City has not relied upon ally ,Werxivrd, represatimion or prom se of <br />any of the f°lairdi€•fs Reicasces either than Chas con- insd helcin. <br />j: The City rerpresonts and warranis that it has ;nits iuch intvesrigation or ilnc facts <br />p?;Mainlnn. to ?his A-recrFic-ruthat it d-t`citzt r1CCes5a :. <br />CAY - Initialed ..aura Franks lniusaiv.d Jultn Franz. - Ines ,:ic:d <br />Peg �l ; <br />,�slci�a I <br />