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EXHIBIT 2 <br />of firewalls and other technology generally used in the trade fails to <br />prevent unauthorized third party access to Client Data; or (B) its <br />use of encryption technology generally used in the trade fails to <br />prevent unauthorized third party access to Client Data transmis- <br />sions. Nothing In this section 8(b) (Limited Liability for Unauthorized <br />Client Data Access) shall constitute a representation or warranty <br />by Yardi that Client Data storage or transmission will be inaccessi- <br />ble to unauthorized third parties. <br />9. Confidentiality. <br />a. Confidential Information Definition. "Confidential Infor- <br />mation" means all technical and non -technical information includ- <br />ing: (I) Client Data, (ii) patent, copyright, trade secret, and other <br />proprietary information; (i€€) inventions, know-how, processes, or al- <br />gorithms; (iv) software programs, software source documents, ob- <br />ject code, source code, database dictionaries, network diagrams, <br />UML diagrams, Licensed Programs, Licensed Programs Docu- <br />mentation, Licensed Programs schema, Licensed Programs func- <br />tions, Licensed Programs user interface screens, SSIS, data ware- <br />house schema, cube specifications and configuration, the reports <br />generated by the Licensed Programs, Yardi Cloud specifications <br />and configuration, Yardi Cloud hardware specifications and config- <br />uration, and Yardi Cloud Services; (v) development, design details <br />and specifications; (vi) a party's financial Information; (vii) customer <br />lists, business forecasts, sales and marketing plans and infor- <br />mation; (viii) the prices offered or paid per this Agreement for <br />Yardi's products and services; (ix) SSAE18 audit reports and PCI <br />DSS attestations of compliance and any information related to <br />SSAE18 audit reports and/or PCI DSS attestations of compliance; <br />(x) this Agreement's terms; and (A) any other Information disclosed <br />by a party, or to which a party is exposed because of this Agree- <br />ment, that the disclosing party Identifies as confidential at the time <br />of disclosure or which — by its nature - reasonably should be re- <br />garded as confidential. <br />b. Nondisclosure and Nonuse Obligations. Each party (the <br />"Receiving Party") agrees that it will not disseminate, distribute, <br />expose, or in any way disclose any Confidential Information of the <br />other party (the "Disclosing Party") to any third party. The Receiv- <br />ing Party may use the Disclosing Parry's Confidential Information <br />to the extent necessary to perform its obligations under this Agree- <br />ment. The Receiving Parry's employees and Contractors may use <br />Confidential Information only for the specific business purpose for <br />which it was made available and not for any other purpose. The <br />Receiving Party's employees and Contractors may not use Confi- <br />dential Information in any way that may compete with Disclosing <br />Party. The Receiving Party may not disclose Confidential Infor- <br />mation to its employees and Contractors for the purpose of ena- <br />bling any such employees or Contractors to service, maintain, or <br />modify the Licensed Programs. The Receiving Party agrees that it <br />will treat all Confidential Information with the same degree of care <br />as the Receiving Party accords its own Confidential Information, <br />but in no event less than reasonable care. The Receiving Party <br />agrees that it shall disclose Confidential Information only to those <br />of its employees and Contractors who need to know such infor- <br />mation, and the Receiving Party certifies that such employees and <br />Contractors have previously agreed, either as a condition to em- <br />ployment or in order to obtain the Confidential Information, to be <br />bound by terms and conditions applicable to the Receiving Party <br />under this Agreement. The Receiving Party shall immediately give <br />notice to the Disclosing Party of any unauthorized use or disclosure <br />of the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information. The Receiving <br />Party agrees to assist the Disclosing Party in remedying any such <br />unauthorized use or disclosure of Disclosing Parry's Confidential <br />Information. <br />c. Exclusions from Nondisclosure and Nonuse Obliga- <br />tions. The Receiving Party's obligations per section 9(b) (Nondis- <br />closure and Nonuse Obligations) shall not apply to Confidential In- <br />formation that the Receiving Party can document: (i) was (through <br />no fault of the Receiving Party) In the public domain at or subse- <br />quent to the time the Disclosing Party disclosed the information to <br />the Receiving Party; (ii) was rightfully in the Receiving Party's pos- <br />session free of any confidentiality obligation at or subsequent to the <br />time the Disclosing Party disclosed It to the Receiving Party; or <br />(ill) was developed by the Receiving Party's employees or agents <br />Independent of, and without reference to, any Information commu- <br />nicated to the Receiving Party by the Disclosing Party. A Confiden- <br />tial Information disclosure by the Receiving Party either. (A) in re- <br />sponse to an enforceable order by a court or other governmental <br />body; (B) as otherwise required by law; or (C) necessary to estab- <br />lish the rights of either party under this Agreement, shall not be a <br />breach of this Agreement by the Receiving Party or a waiver of <br />confidentiality for other purposes; provided, however, the Rece€v- <br />Ing Party shall provide prompt prior written notice of any such Con- <br />fidential Information disclosure to the Disclosing Party (to the extent <br />allowed by applicable law) to enable the Disclosing Party to seek a <br />protective order or otherwise prevent such disclosure. <br />d. Ownership and Return of Confidential Information. The <br />Disclosing Party's Confidential Information is and shall remain the <br />Disclosing Party's property, and this Agreement does not grant or <br />Imply any license or other rights to the Disclosing Party's Confiden- <br />tial Information except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. <br />Within 5 business days after the Disclosing Party's request, the Re- <br />ceiving Party will promptly either (at the Disclosing Party's election) <br />destroy or deliver to the Disclosing Party all Confidential Infor- <br />mation fumished to the Receiving Party, and the Receiving Party <br />agrees to provide a written officer's certification of the Receiving <br />Party's compliance with the foregoing obligation. <br />e. Third Party Information Disclosure. The Disclosing Party <br />shall not communicate any information to the Receiving Party in <br />violation of the proprietary rights of any third party. <br />10. Warranties. <br />a. Limited Software Warranty. Yardi warrants that the Li- <br />censed Programs will perform substantially as specified in the Li- <br />censed Programs Documentation. Yardi does not warrant that the <br />Licensed Programs will meet Client's requirements and expecta- <br />tions. <br />b. Remedy for Limited Software Warranty Breach. If Yardi <br />breaches the warranty set forth in section 10(a) (Limited Software <br />Warranty), Yana€ agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to <br />modify the Licensed Programs so that the Licensed Programs con- <br />form to that warranty. If such modification is not commercially rea- <br />sonable, then Yardi will notify Client and Client may terminate this <br />Agreement. In the event Client terminates this Agreement per this <br />section 10(b) (Remedy for Limited Software Warranty Breach), <br />Yardi will refund to Client, on a pro-rata basis, the annual Fees paid <br />by Client to Yardi within the year prior to the effective date of CII- <br />anl's termination. THE FOREGOING REMEDY IS CLIENT'S SOLE <br />REMEDY IN THE EVENT OF A BREACH OF THE WARRANTY <br />SET FORTH IN SECTION 10(a) (Limited Software Warranty). <br />c. Warranty Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET <br />FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT <br />ALLOWED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, YARDI DISCLAIMS <br />ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED AND STATUTORY WARRANTIES <br />WITH REGARD TO THE LICENSED PROGRAMS INCLUDING, <br />BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER- <br />CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- <br />POSE. <br />d. Internet Performance Disclaimer. Yards does not and <br />cannot control the flow of data via the Inlemet. Such flow depends <br />In large part on the performance of Internet services provided or <br />controlled by third parties. At times, actions or Inactions of such <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />Confidential <br />Preparation Date: January 6, 2020 5:03 PM <br />5-35 <br />