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ONE BROADWAY PLAZA PROJECT EIR ADDENDUM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />5. Environmental Analysis <br />Transportation section), the implementation of the Proposed Project would reduce vehicle trips to and from <br />the Project Site compared to the Approved Project. Since the Proposed Project is converting previously <br />approved office uses to residential uses, would not expand building floor area, and would result in a reduction <br />of vehicle trips, the operation of the Proposed Project would not create a new significant impact or a substantial <br />increase in the severity of previously identified effects that would require the preparation of a subsequent EIR. <br />In fact, with the reduction in trips, noise impacts resulting from the Proposed Project would actually be reduced <br />as compared to the Approved Project. <br />The Certified EIR determined that the Approved Project may experience future traffic noise levels in excess <br />of the City's noise threshold and identifies Mitigation Measure N-3 to lower impacts to a less than significant <br />level. The Proposed Project's would not place residences on the groundfloor, and therefore, the on -site <br />residential units would not be immediately adjacent to this noise source. The Proposed Project would not create <br />a new significant impact or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects that would <br />require the preparation of a subsequent EIR. <br />b) Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? <br />Less Than Significant Impact/No Changes or New Information Requiring Preparation of an EIR. <br />The Certified EIR determined that land uses adjacent to the Project Site would experience temporary <br />annoyance due to vibration from construction. The construction of the Proposed Project would occur within <br />the building envelope of the Approved Project. As such, the construction of the Proposed Project would not <br />increase vibration due to construction. Consistent with the analysis of the Approved Project, the Proposed <br />Project would result in a less than significant impact. The Proposed Project would not create a new significant <br />impact or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects that would require the preparation <br />of a subsequent EIR. <br />c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where <br />such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would <br />the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? <br />No Impact. Similar to the conditions evaluated in the Certified EIR, there are no public airports, public use <br />airports or private airstrips in the Proposed Project Site vicinity. The Proposed Project would not expose people <br />residing or working in the area to excessive levels of aircraft- or airport -related noise. The Proposed Project <br />would not create a new significant impact or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects. <br />Overall, the Proposed Project would be consistent with the Approved Project as analyzed in the Certified EIR. <br />The Proposed Project would not create a new significant impact or a substantial increase in the severity of <br />previously identified effects. <br />5.13.3 Adopted Mitigation Measures Applicable to the Proposed Project <br />The following mitigation measures have been carried through from the One Broadway Plaza EIR. These <br />mitigation measures have been incorporated into MMRP for this Addendum. Any modifications to the <br />Apri12020 Page 71 <br />