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SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The City intends to retain consultants on an <br />as -needed basis to perform professional <br />services for a variety of water resources <br />engineering projects. The projects may include <br />water and sewer pipeline design, facility capital <br />and rehabilitation improvements, storm drain <br />improvements, and other related projects. On <br />occasion, environmental and planning support <br />services may also be requested. Firms selected <br />for projects may need to include geotechnical, <br />electrical, mechanical, structural and other <br />specific project related services. <br />Psomas professionals will provide in-house <br />services for civil/mechanical engineering, <br />surveying, environmental, and construction <br />management. Psomas will retain subconsultants <br />for all other scope of service tasks listed in the <br />RFP. A Resource Matrix, included on Pages 14 <br />and 15, identifies all scope tasks identified in the <br />City's RFP and the team members who will be <br />responsible for execution of those tasks. <br />ISI: Envision Sustainability <br />Rating System <br />We commend the City's continued efforts and <br />commitment in regard to implementation of <br />sustainable projects. As a founding member of the <br />Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) and <br />key player in the development of ISI's Envision <br />rating system, Psomas has over 120 professionals <br />credentialed as ENV SP's (Envision Sustainability <br />Professional). Maira Salcedo, PE, ENV SP, as <br />Psomas' Assistant Project Manager for the Walnut <br />Pump Station Upgrade, was responsible for <br />nominating the project and ultimately obtaining a <br />bronze level award. Maira is also responsible for <br />nominating Well 29 Rehabilitation project for and <br />Envision award. <br />We look forward to assisting the City in any future <br />efforts to construct sustainable infrastructure <br />projects and nominating for potential Envision <br />awards. While not all projects will be appropriate <br />for an Envision rating, Psomas endeavors to <br />incorporate sustainable elements to every <br />infrastructure project we plan or design. <br />In order to demonstrate our approach to <br />responding to a task order request from the <br />City of Santa Ana, we are providing a typical <br />scope of services and schedule for a sewer <br />replacement project. <br />SAMPLE SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Preliminary Design <br />Preliminary Design will entail the following <br />detailed tasks and deliverables. <br />Attend kick-off meeting at City to discuss <br />scope, schedule, and lines and methods of <br />communication between Psomas Team and <br />City staff. <br />2. Verify pipe information from "as-builts," <br />confirmed by cleaning and CCTV. Develop/ <br />confirm existing and build -out flow using <br />tributary area, land use and flow factors. <br />Model system to confirm flows and d/D for <br />each reach. <br />3. Perform utility research by contacting all <br />potential utility companies and conducting <br />field walk. <br />4. Develop/confirm required pipe sizing using <br />build -out flow and City capacity criteria. <br />5. Provide survey services as required. <br />6. Conduct up to two (2) 15-foot-deep borings. <br />7. Prepare draft PDR, meet with City staff to <br />review comments, and finalize PDR. <br />Deliverables: Utility research correspondence <br />and plans gathered to date, CCTV logs and <br />video file, geotechnical report (all on digital <br />media), draft and final PDR, meeting agendas <br />and minutes. <br />50% Design <br />8. Based on preliminary alignment, perform <br />up to five (5) potholes to verify existing <br />utility depths. <br />9. Prepare 50% PS&E submittal. <br />c„ >>,- 3 A„ RAP W 19-1ca PSOMAS <br />