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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />II - Who Is An Insured, <br />except when Paragraph d. <br />below applies. <br />(b) Any of the other insurance, <br />whether primary, excess, <br />contingent or on any other <br />basis, that is available to the <br />insured when the insured is an <br />additional insured, or is any <br />other insured that does not <br />qualify as a named insured, <br />under such other insurance. <br />(2) When this insurance is excess, we <br />will have no duty under Coverages <br />A or B to defend the insured <br />against any "suit" if any other <br />insurer has a duty to defend the <br />insured against that "suit". If no <br />other insurer defends, we will <br />undertake to do so, but we will <br />be entitled to the insured's rights <br />against all those other insurers. <br />(3) When this insurance is excess <br />over other insurance, we will pay <br />only our share of the amount of <br />the loss, if any, that exceeds the <br />sum of: <br />(a) The total amount that all such <br />other insurance would pay for <br />the loss in the absence of this <br />insurance; and <br />(b) The total of all deductible and <br />self -insured amounts under all <br />that other insurance. <br />(4) We will share the remaining loss, <br />if any, with any other insurance <br />that is not described in this <br />Excess Insurance provision and <br />was not bought specifically to <br />apply in excess of the Limits <br />of Insurance shown in the <br />Declarations of this Coverage Part. <br />c. Method Of Sharing <br />If all of the other insurance permits <br />contribution by equal shares, we will <br />follow this method also. Under this <br />approach each insurer contributes <br />equal amounts until it has paid its <br />applicable limit of insurance or none <br />of the loss remains, whichever comes <br />first. <br />Primary And Non -Contributory Insurance <br />If Required By Written Contract <br />If you specifically agree in a written <br />contract or agreement that the <br />insurance afforded to an insured <br />under this Coverage Part must apply <br />on a primary basis, or a primary and <br />non-contributory basis, this insurance <br />is primary to other insurance that is <br />available to such insured which <br />covers such insured as a named <br />insured, and we will not share with <br />that other insurance, provided that: <br />(1) The "bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" for which coverage is <br />sought occurs; and <br />(2) The "personal and advertising <br />injury" for which coverage is <br />sought is caused by an offense <br />that is committed; <br />subsequent to the signing of that <br />contract or agreement by you. <br />5. Premium Audit <br />a. We will compute all premiums for this <br />Coverage Part in accordance with our <br />rules and rates. <br />b. Premium shown in this Coverage Part <br />as advance premium is a deposit <br />premium only. At the close of each <br />audit period we will compute the <br />earned premium for that period and <br />send notice to the first Named <br />Insured. The due date for audit and <br />retrospective premiums is the date <br />shown as the due date on the bill. If <br />the sum of the advance and audit <br />premiums paid for the policy period <br />is greater than the earned premium, <br />we will return the excess to the first <br />Named Insured. <br />c. The first Named Insured must keep <br />records of the information we need <br />for premium computation, and send <br />us copies at such times as we may <br />request. <br />6. Representations <br />By accepting this policy, you agree: <br />a. The statements in the Declarations <br />are accurate and complete; <br />If any of the other insurance does b. Those statements are based upon <br />not permit contribution by equal representations you made to us; and <br />shares, we will contribute by IimitREVIEWID1 a[vQQYsthis policy <br />Under this method, each insurer'By Risk MAnapryftfrVd�ivi6Oftesenta ionsIn reliance <br />share is based on the ratio of its <br />applicable limit of insurance to the d <br />total applicable limits of insurance of JU�ip{y 2020 <br />all insurers. �/ 1�11 <br />ANGiE AcEVEdo <br />CIS T1 BB 02 19 0 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Page 17 of 23 <br />Includes copyrighted mrierial of Insurance services Office, Inc, with its permission. <br />