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DocuSign Envelope ID: 26A1 FOD6-5970-4421 -B5CB-2891848ECB74 <br />B. Subrecipient's Records. Subrecipient's records shall be sufficient to: <br />1) Permit preparation of required reports; <br />2) Permit tracking of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to establish that funds <br />have not been used in violation of the applicable restrictions on the use of such <br />funds; <br />3) Permit the tracking of program income, or profits earned, and any costs incurred <br />(such as stand-in costs) that are otherwise allowable except for; <br />4) Permit tracking and reporting of leveraging ad required by SB734. <br />C. Costs Charged. Cost shall be charged to this Contract only in accordance with the <br />following: <br />1) The Act; and <br />2) 20 CFR WIOA NPRM Part 683; <br />3) State implementing legislation; and <br />4) Requirements of Other Funding Sources. <br />34. Performance Standards: <br />Subrecipient shall comply with and adhere to the performance accountability standards and <br />general program requirements described in Sections 116 (Performance Accountability System) <br />and 194 (General Program Requirements) of the Act and applicable regulations contained in <br />Attachment D, Performance Standards. Should the Performance Requirements defined in the <br />Agreement between the State of California and the County of Orange be changed, County shall <br />have the right to unilaterally modify this Contract to meet such requirements. <br />35. Payments: <br />Subrecipient agrees that any and all funds received under this Contract shall be disbursed on or <br />before June 30, 2020, and that any and all funds remaining as of June 30, 2020, which have not <br />been disbursed shall be returned by Subrecipient to County within thirty (30) days of the <br />expiration or earlier termination of the Contract in accordance with Paragraph K. No expense of <br />Subrecipient will be reimbursed by County if incurred after June 30, 2020. <br />Upon the effective date of this Contract, County shall make payment to Subrecipient in <br />accordance with the following payment schedule: <br />A. Monthly Pa.n� vents: Beginning July 1, 2019 upon receipt and approval by Orange County <br />Community Services/Community Investment Division, of Subrecipient's invoice <br />showing prior month(s) actual expenditures, County shall make monthly reimbursement <br />payments based on Subrecipient's invoice so long as the total payments under this <br />Contract do not exceed the contract maximum obligation. <br />B. County Discretion: At the sole discretion of County, payments to Subrecipient may be <br />made more frequently than monthly, but such payments shall always be in arrears and not <br />in advance of the provision of services by Subrecipient. <br />C. Invoices: Subrecipient shall provide monthly invoices by the 20"' day following the <br />month being reported. Invoices shall show the most up to date costs chargeable to the <br />program(s) referenced in this Contract. Subrecipient must provide adequate <br />documentation as required by County in accordance with the OC Community Resources <br />County of Orange Page 27 of 42 City of Santa Ana. <br />Orange County Community Resources Contract No.: 19-28-00 70-R WS <br />