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Attachment 4: Required Resolution Template <br />RESOLUTION NO. [insert resolution number] <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE [INSERT EITHER "CITY COUNCIL" OR "COUNTY BOARD OF <br />SUPERVISORS"] OF [INSERT THE NAME OF THE CITY OR COUNTY] AUTHORIZING <br />APPLICATION FOR, AND RECEIPT OF, LOCAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING SUPPORT <br />GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code 50515 et. Seq, the Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (Department) is authorized to issue a Notice of Funding Availability <br />(NOFA) as part of the Local Government Planning Support Grants Program (hereinafter referred <br />to by the Department as the Local Early Action Planning Grants program or LEAP); and <br />WHEREAS, the [insert either "City Council" or "County Board of Supervisors"] of [insert the <br />name of the City or County] desires to submit a LEAP grant application package <br />("Application"), on the forms provided by the Department, for approval of grant funding for <br />projects that assist in the preparation and adoption of planning documents and process <br />improvements that accelerate housing production and facilitate compliance to implement the <br />sixth cycle of the regional housing need assessment; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department has issued a NOFA and Application on January 27, 2020 in the <br />amount of $119,040,000 for assistance to all California Jurisdictions; <br />Now, therefore, the [insert either "City Council" or "County Board of Supervisors"] of <br />[insert the name of the city or county] ("Applicant") resolves as follows: <br />SECTION 1. The [insert the authorized designee's TITLE ONLY] is hereby authorized and <br />directed to apply for and submit to the Department the Application package; <br />SECTION 2. In connection with the LEAP grant, if the Application is approved by the Department, <br />the [insert the authorized designee's TITLE ONLY] of the [insert the name of the City or <br />County] is authorized to submit the Application, enter into, execute, and deliver on behalf of the <br />Applicant, a State of California Agreement (Standard Agreement) for the amount of [$ enter the <br />dollar amount of the Applicant's request], and any and all other documents required or <br />deemed necessary or appropriate to evidence and secure the LEAP grant, the Applicant's <br />obligations related thereto, and all amendments thereto; and <br />SECTION 3. The Applicant shall be subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the NOFA, <br />and the Standard Agreement provided by the Department after approval. The Application and <br />any and all accompanying documents are incorporated in full as part of the Standard Agreement. <br />Any and all activities funded, information provided, and timelines represented in the Application <br />will be enforceable through the fully executed Standard Agreement. Pursuant to the NOFA and <br />in conjunction with the terms of the Standard Agreement, the Applicant hereby agrees to use the <br />funds for eligible uses and allowable expenditures in the manner presented and specifically <br />identified in the approved Application. <br />ADOPTED ON [insert the date of adoption], by the [insert either "City Council" or "County <br />Board of Supervisors"] of [insert the name of the City or County] by the following vote count: <br />AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: <br />ATTEST: SSAS TO FORM: <br />[Signature of Attesting Officer] <br />APPROVED <br />[Signature of approval] <br />LEAP NOFA Application Rev. 112412020 Page 12 of 14 <br />