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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />applicants for errploymem or current employees. Such eforts <br />sinuid be aimed at developing full foumuy level status <br />nnplayees in the type of trade or fob dassifcation invnfved. <br />b. CorsfsienT with The comractofs vrak force requiemerLis <br />and as permissible under Federal and State regulations, Lila <br />contractor shall make fill use of tracing programs, i.e., <br />appre n lice ship, and on•1hejGb raring programs for the <br />g eogaphcal area of co ntmet perfomlane e. In the event <br />special provision for Iranng is provided under ttus contract, <br />this subparagraph roll be su persedad as ndeatad in TtFa <br />specia l p rovi soon. Th a aommcung agency ma y reserve <br />trenng positions for persons Who fa e e welfare assistance <br />in aomrdance with 23 U.S.C. 140(a). <br />c. The conracla wiiladvise ertplvyees and appiiants for <br />employment d available training programs and entrance <br />requirements far each. <br />d The contacor will pedxliicalyrerraw the training ad <br />promotion paten liar of empbyees who are minomies and <br />women and toll encourage eig76le employees n apply for <br />such training and promotion. <br />i. Unions If the contractor relies in vRtole orn part upon <br />unions as a source of employees, the use good <br />faith efforts b obtain fee cooperation of such unions 1y <br />increase opportunities nor mnoniies and women Actions by <br />the contactor, either directly a hmgh a convactoes <br />association acting as agent, well include the procedures set <br />forth below, <br />a. The comfactor will use goad faith afforts n develop, in <br />cooperation with The unions, )ant irainng programs aimed <br />toward quaifyfng more minorities and women for membership <br />in he unions and ncreasirg the skdis of minorities and women <br />sathat trey may qualify for ifrgherpayng employment. <br />b. Tfie contractor will use good lailheffons to ncarporatean <br />EEO clause ntoaach union agreement tothe end thatsuch <br />union A be contractually band n refer appina lets whhora <br />regard to then race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or <br />disabdrty. <br />c. The contractor is to cbtan information as to tte referral <br />practices and policies d he laba in ion except the to the <br />extent such infamatian es wither the excius possession of <br />he tabwunion and such labor union refwes toIFumish such <br />information to the comraclof, he contractor shall so certify to <br />fla contracting agency and shelf set forth what efforts have <br />been made to obtain such nfomnatfon <br />d. in the evert the urim is unable to provide the contractor <br />with a heasorobie for off ofeffaMwfhin the time Wit set forth <br />in the call active bargaining agreement th a codractor will, <br />tfarwgb i ndependent recrunmiiM efforts, fill the employment <br />vacancies wahout regard to race, color, religion, sex, rational <br />origin, age or disabiity: makng full efforts to obtain qualified <br />andV qualifiable mnomes and women. The fa dare of a union <br />to provide suffncied refanals (even though it is obligated to <br />provide exciu live referrals under the temps of a collective <br />oaganng agreement) does not relieve the contiactorfran the <br />requiremerxs of this paagaph. in the event tine urion referral <br />practice prevents the contractor fmm meeting the obligations <br />pursuant n Executive Order 11246. as am ended, and these <br />spocial provisions, suctr contractor shay immediately notify ilia <br />caniracting agency. <br />& RaasaruMlr Axommodetlon for ApfNlcants! <br />Em ployess with Ofsabiiittes: Thal corhtiactormust Ge famia <br />with the requirements for and cornpfy vMh The Amedca rs with <br />Nsabildles Act and as rules and regulations esfabFsh ad thaa <br />under. Employers must provide reasenabla accommodation in <br />all errlploym east activities unless to do sewould cause an <br />undue hafdsti p. <br />Sr SefecGan of Shrbcomractors, Pro crr vanecot of Materials <br />and Laming of Equipment: The contractorshalf rot <br />discmmnateon The gmunds or race, cola, religion, sex, <br />naional origin age or disab lity n the solecton and retention <br />ofsubcmtracxofs, including procoremmT of maffi vials and <br />leases d equipment. The contractor shall take all necessary <br />and reasonable steps to ensure nondiscrimination in the <br />admirisiranri of this contract. <br />a. The contractor shall noify all potential suocomactors and <br />supplieB and lassos of Nreir EEO odigatons under firs <br />aofbact. <br />b. The contractor will use goad faith efforts in ernsrre <br />subcontractor connpfanm wdh their EEO obligations. <br />10. As wance Required by 49 CFR 25.11(h): <br />a, The requirements of 4S CFR Pan 26and fie Staie <br />DUPLi U.S. DDTanwmcd DBE pfogram are ircfarporaed by <br />reference. <br />b. Thal contracivrorsuffcontiactorshallnot elf sairrinale on <br />the basis d roe, color, national origin, or sex in the <br />parforrnance of his contract. The contrractrr steal carry out <br />applicable requirement of 49 CFR Part 26 in the a fd and <br />administratlon dDDTassisted contracts. Fait re by the <br />contactor to carry out these requirements is a material breach <br />of this contract, whale may nesuflin fie to mnalon oQ this <br />contract a such other remedy as the contracting agency <br />deems appfcpniate. <br />t1. Records and Reports Tire conraclor shag keep such <br />records as nece (y to document crmrpkance v*b the EEO <br />requirements. Such records shall be retained for a period of <br />three yearstoillawing the date of the final paMant tothe <br />cantmcbr for all contract work and shall be availahffiat <br />mason able tm es and places fainspecllon by authored <br />rape esonlaives of the cor ractng agency and the FHNA <br />a. The remits kept by the contractor shall dooument ttla <br />follevting <br />(1) The number and work hours d minority and nan- <br />m norrty group' members and women employed in aech work <br />classiicafon on The prof®ct <br />(2) The progress and efforts berg made in cooperation <br />wdi unions, vihen appifabfe, to increase employrnent <br />oppo"Mas, for minanties and women; and <br />(3) The progress and afioats being made n focatng, hiring, <br />training, qualifying, and upgrad62 minorities and womant <br />b. Thecafractors andsubcontracMswill sibrnit an annual <br />report to the contracting agency each July for he duration of <br />the project, indicating the numbe of minority. woman, and <br />nonminodty group employees currently engaged in men rack <br />classification required by the contract wak. This niamatien is <br />tobe repohed on Form FH-NA -1391. The staffing data should <br />represonl The project walk force on board 6 all or any pan of <br />the last payroll period precadarg the and ofJ uty. !f ore the -job <br />tracing is being required by speaal provision, the can tractor <br />