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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />will to required b coloe and report training data. The <br />ernpleymantdata should raged the wok face on baaN during <br />all or any pat of the last payrol period preceding the and of <br />July. <br />IN. NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES <br />This pmrrsion is applicable to all FederaFaid conslruetian <br />co tractsand tool related constuctinn suhcorlractsof <br />$10,000 or nora. <br />The conteactormust ensure that facilities provided far <br />emp loyees a re provided i n such a manner that segregation on <br />the basis of race, co.'or, religion, sex,crrational origin cannot <br />result. The contractor may nether require such segregated <br />use by written or oral policies nortdlarata such use by <br />amp bye custom. The cuntrador's od gaion extends further <br />to ensure that its a mp bye as a re not assign ad to pafform the it <br />servicw at any bcatio n, under the contractor's coninal, wbam <br />the facil lies are segegaled. The to rm'fackies' includes <br />waiting rooms, work areas, restaurants and oth or oaing areas, <br />tuna clocks, restfvoms, washrooms, locicor rooms, and other <br />slonaga ordressirg areas, pa flung lots, dfinkN fountains, <br />mcmatbn a ante ria kimoft amas, Imusportaton, and housing <br />provided for employees. The contactor shall provide separate <br />or singde-user rastmbms and flee owsry dressing or sleeping <br />areas to assure prwacy batwean sexes. <br />IV. DAVI&BACON AND RELATED ACT PRDYISI DNS <br />This section its ap ricable to al Fedaml-aid construction <br />prcj acts exceeding S2,000 and to all related su bcontracis and <br />lower-1 a su bconbaets(reg:rd less of su boo nima sze). The <br />feq u ire m ants apply toaIf projects boated within the right -of - <br />my of a roadway that is func6waiy Cass ihod as Fedemi-aid <br />highway. This excludes roadways functonally dassRed as <br />loco'. roads or Tura I m ino r co II actors, w h is h are exempt. <br />Conl mcting agencies may elect to apply these requirements to <br />oth or projects. <br />The (al owing provisions are frurn fie V.S. Deparinant of <br />Labor regulations In 29 C FR 5.5 'Contract prov istons and <br />related matters' with minor rembiaes to conform to the FMNA- <br />1273 format and F'-PNA program mqu ire nits. <br />1.. Minimum wages <br />a. An laborers and machan ics amptoyad a working upon <br />the site of the work will be paid unconditionally and not less <br />often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or <br />rebate on any accent (except such payroll deduetinns as am <br />pacmated by reguatb ns issued by the Sea elary of Latwr <br />radon the Copeland Act (29 CFR part 3)), the full amount of <br />wages and bona f:da fr nga banefits (or cash equivalents <br />ttermf) due at li m a of paym a nt comp used at rates not less <br />than thine cants in ad in the wage data rm ination of the <br />Secretary of Labor which is attached hereto and made a part <br />haad, regard lass of any co ntrectuaI re atonship which may <br />be alleged to exist between the contractor and such 'a boyars <br />and mechanics. <br />Contributions mad or costs reasonably anticipated for bore <br />Ida frirga benefits under section 1(b)(2) of tha Davis •Bacon <br />Act on bahalf of labor rs or mecho n ics are consdared wages <br />paid to such abomrs ormache fl cs, subjed to the prom ors <br />of paragraph 1 A. of this sactiort also, regular coninbutiers <br />made orcosts incurrad farmore than a weekly period (but not <br />less oflen than quarterly) under plans, funds, orprograns <br />which cover the pa Acubrweekly• period, are deemed toba <br />constructively made or incurred during such weedy period. <br />Such a bo re rs and m echo n os shall be Dad the appropriate <br />wage rate and Fringe beaefls on the wage determinaton for <br />the classification of work acbaiy parformed, without regard to <br />skl I, except as provid ed in 29 C FR 5.5(a K4 ). Labo re rs or <br />mechanics perfo muting wcrh in more than one classdcato5 <br />may b e comp ansaled at the rate so ecfeed for each <br />dawification for the time actua ly wo rk ad th a re in: Provided, <br />That the empayer's payroll records accurately setforth the <br />time spent in eac h classltcatb n inwh ich war rk ispe fo min ad. <br />The wage datemin in"on ¢nc'ud ing any additional classmicaton <br />and wag a rates cortorm ad under paragraph l.b. of th is <br />sedan) and the Davis -Bacon poster (W H -1321) shall b e <br />posted at all times by the contractor and its subconiracbrs at <br />the sib of the work in a pro min en and aceessihde place whore <br />it can be early saaa by the war r ke rs. <br />b. (1) The contracting ofcer sha II require that any class of <br />laborers or mechanics, including helpers, whchs noVistedin <br />the wage d ete ran i nation and w h ich is to b e e mploy ad u nd er lee <br />contract shag be classified n confo mfance with the wage <br />deter m inalan. The contmcling officer shad appeova an <br />addlonal cbssificaton and wage rats and fringe, bereruts <br />therefore only when the following criteria have been met: <br />li) The wok to be performed by the clasaificaim <br />requested is not performed by a classification in the wage <br />detemrinahm; and <br />(ii) Tha dassficstiae a utilzed in the area by the <br />cfnstiuctim indusirf. and <br />[ii) The proposed wage rate, including any ions fide <br />fringe berreits, blears masoreb'e relatanshp tothe <br />wage rates contained in the wage determinatan <br />(2) If the corm factor and th a lahomrs and meetenies to be <br />employed in the dassifcatbn [d known), ortteedr <br />representatives, and the contracting offcar agree on the <br />dassIcalon and wage rate [including the aneurt <br />designated for fringe benefits wham appoprtate), a repro of <br />the action taken sieall be sent by the contracting officer totha <br />Adminisdralorof the Wage and Hour Division, Employment <br />Standards Ac minatratbn, V.S. Department of Labor, <br />Washington, DC 20210. The Adi n strator, or an aulhonzed <br />mpresenativa, willapprove, modily,ordsappmve every <br />addionaI clawil'"tion action within 36 days of race pt and <br />soadvise the contractng officer orwill notify the contracting <br />olficar wdfh in tha 30•day period that add itb nal li me is <br />necessary. <br />(a) In the eventthe contractor, the laborers or mediancs <br />to be empbyed in tha classificaton or tit a it rep rose natives, <br />and the contracting othcer do not agree on the proposed <br />cassif Caton and mg rae (Ind uding tha amount <br />designated (afrirge benefits, where appropriate), the <br />co nracting of car she refer the questbns indudrng the <br />views of ai l interested pa rties a rid In a recomme, ndalion of the <br />contmcti ng officer, to the Wege and Hour Adm inistra or for <br />detemin i nation. Tba Wage and -bu i Ad m in istrato r, a an <br />authorized represontaliva, vWl Issue a determination within <br />30 days of rocedpt and so advise tha contracting officer or <br />r <br />