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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />MR notify ttiecontradng dficer%dhin the 30•day period that <br />additional time is necessary. <br />(4) Thewage rate (inducing fringe banefits where <br />apprcpdate) determined pu scant to paragraphs 1.11.(2) or <br />7.b(3) of this section, shall be paid to all workers performing <br />work it ba classification undartlis contrail from the first <br />day or wtkfi work Is per i mmad in the classification. <br />c. Whenever are minimum wage rate pmw ribed In the <br />contract fora class of lahaaers ormectenks includes a fringe <br />benefit which a nit expressed as an trouly rate, the contractor <br />shall eitherpray ttia benefit as stated in ihewage determinaim <br />or shall pay anotfier bona fide frngaberefit orm hourly cash <br />equivalent thereof. <br />d If the contractor does not make payments to a trustee or <br />other third person, the contractor may consider as part of the <br />wages of ary laborer or mechanic ttia amount of any costs <br />reasonably anticpated In providing bore fide fringe berefits <br />under plan or program, Provided, That the Secretary of <br />Labor tras found, upon ba mitten request of the oontrador, <br />that tie applimbla stands rds of the Davis -Bacon Act bare <br />been met. The Secretary of Labor may require the contactor <br />to set aside in a separate account assets for the meeting of <br />obligations under the plan or program. <br />3. WllhhcldIng <br />The contacting agency shall upon its own action orupon <br />wdttm request of an authorbed representative of the <br />Department of Labor, with4elo orcame lobe wittetrdd from <br />the contractor under this contact, or any other Federal <br />contract with ihesame prime contractor. orany other faderally- <br />assisted contract subject to Davis•Becon prevailing wage <br />requirements, which is held by the same prime contractor, so <br />much of this accrued payments or advances as may be <br />considered necessary to pay laborers and mecbmics. <br />Including apprentices, trainees, and helpers, empkyW by the <br />contractor or any subcontractor the ful amount of wages <br />required by the contract In theevent of failure to pay any <br />laborerormechanc, including any apprartice, trainee. or <br />helper, employed or working on the site of the work, al or part <br />of the wages required by the contract, the contracting agency <br />may, after written notice to the contactor, take such action as <br />may be necessary b cause the suspansion of any further <br />payment, advance, or guarantee of funds untl such vidatiore <br />have ceased. <br />S. Payrolls and basle records <br />a Payrolls and basic records rotating thereto shall be <br />maintained by the mntradorduring ttecoursa d the work and <br />preserved for a pafod of three years thereaftar for a 11 laborers <br />and mechanics wor4ing at the site of tha work. Such records <br />shall contain tee name, address, and social wority number of <br />each sucth worker, his or her comredclow ifcatlon, hourly rates <br />of wages paid (InclhdN rates of contrib utims orcosts <br />anticipated for bma fda fringe baneflis or cash equivalents <br />thereof of the types described in section Itbj(2)(B) of the <br />Dsvis,Baeon Act). daily and weekly number of }sours worked, <br />dad uctions mad a and actual wog as pad. Whenever the <br />Secretary d Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(a j(1 Xiv) that <br />the wages of any laborer or mechanic ko lude the amount of <br />any costs reasonablyanticipated in providing benefits under a <br />plan or prog ram d asc rib ad in section 1(b X2) (B) of tie Davis. <br />Bacon Act, tee contractor steal maintain records which show <br />that to commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable, <br />4hat the plan orrog ram it Inendalhy responsible, and that the <br />plan a program has been communicated In writing to the <br />laborers or rnedh ics affeded and records wtirh shave the <br />coats anticipated ortte actual cast mou reed In proNdng such <br />bereiits. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under <br />approved progrems shall maintain written evidence of the <br />registration of apprenliceaf ip programs and cedi iicatiuc of <br />trainee programs, the registration of th a a p p rendces and <br />trainees, and the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the <br />applicable programs. <br />b. (t) The contractor steal sudnd weekly for each week in <br />which any contr t work is performed a cry of all payrolls to <br />the contracting agency. The payroll submitted steal set out <br />aceuatey and completely all of the information mq used to be <br />maintained under 29 CFR 5.5(a XaX1). except that full social <br />s ay numbers and borne addresses shall not be included <br />on weekly imsmtitals. Instead fie payrolls shall only need b <br />it , da an individually identifying number for ease anplvyee { <br />e.g. , the last four digits of the employee's social security <br />number]. The requred weekly payroll Information may be <br />submitted in any form desired. Optional Form Wfi347 is <br />available far his pnrpcse f mom the W age and Hour Division <br />Web site at htiplhvww.col.gwlesaAwtdlfoamshwt347lra1r.hYn <br />or its successor site. The prima contractor is fespons"e for <br />the submission of copies of payrolls by all subcmtracters. <br />Contractors and subcontaclos shall ma intam the full social <br />security number and mmmt address of each covered wodcer, <br />and shall proida them upon request to the contracting agency <br />for tansmisslon to the State DOT, the FHWA or tee Wage and <br />Hour Division of the Department of Labor for purposes of an <br />Investigation or such. of compliance with prevaAng wage <br />requirements. It is not a violation of 1hs swim for a prime <br />contractor to requi s a subcontractor h provide addresses and <br />social security numbers to the prime contractor for its own <br />records, without weeiey submission to tie contracting agency. <br />(2) Each paynel su brrdted steal be amcmparied by a <br />Statement d CompAano&' sighed by the oenbactor or <br />subconhactoror his or haragentwtw pays orsuper+ruses the <br />payment of tie persons employed under the contract and shall <br />certify, the following: <br />G) That the payroll for the payroll period cents ins the <br />Information req tired to be providad under§5. 5(a)(3)[ i) of <br />Regulations, 29 CFR part B thaappropriete Information Is <br />being maintained under§55 (aX3XI) of Ragulations,29 <br />CFR part 5, and that such information Is oorred and <br />connplete: <br />(m) That each Is bore ror machahic [nncluding each <br />helper, apprentice, and trainee) employed on the contract <br />c Ong the payo II period has been paid the full weaIdy <br />wages as mad, without rebate, eictier directly orindiectty, <br />and that no deductions have been made either tiredly or <br />Indirectly from the full wages earned, other than <br />permissible deductions as set forth in Regulations, 29 CFR <br />part 3: <br />(i) Ttet each laboreror mechanic has been paid not <br />less than tie applicable wage rates and hinge benefits or <br />cash equivalents for the c lassiication of work performed <br />as specified in the applcable wage dote minatim <br />Incorporated into the contact. <br />r <br />