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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />(3) Them" submission d a property executed <br />cffififcglon sal forth oothe reverse sideof Wional Form <br />W I+347 shall satisfy the mquismant far subm ission of the <br />'3tatenart of Dunpllence" mclAad by paragraph 3. b.R} of <br />this section. <br />(4) Tha falsi fralloo of any d the aboxecertfications may <br />subjrrcl the contractor or Mbcontactor tocivil"a iminal <br />prosocution under section 11001 of title18 and section231 of <br />title 31 of the Onted States Code. <br />c. Thermntaacior or subcu(*actorstol rr"ethe records <br />required under paagapli 3e. of this section available for <br />in spection, copyng,ontransrnpfo tyauthorized <br />rapmsonratrves of the xnicaeing agency, the State DOT, the <br />FHWA, or the Departm art d Labor, end shall penult such <br />mpresentalivas to Interview employees dung wotdrg hours <br />on tho jab•, If the contractor of subcontractor fails to submit the <br />required records orb make than available, the FHWA may, <br />after written notice d the contractor, the contracting agency or <br />the State DDT, take such actor as my ba necessary to <br />carsathasuspan son d any further payment advance, or <br />guaranteeof funds. Furthomrom, failure to submit the mquumd <br />records upon mquest or to make such fecards available may <br />togrounds far debarmantactcn pursuantto29 CFR a 12. <br />4. Apprentices and tralnees <br />a. Apprentices (programs of the USDC)L]. <br />Apprentices will be permitted to work at lass than the <br />p rod elenmired rate for the wok they poromred when they era <br />amp oysd pursuant to and nd ivid uafly rag isrered in bone fide <br />a pprorticeshp pnagmm mg island with the U.S. DapafWwnr of <br />Labor, Employment and Training Ad m n isrratork Office of <br />AppronfcashipTrainN, Employer and Labor Smvices, orwdh <br />a Salle Apgrantcas tip Agency rocogn iz ed by the Ctfice. or if a <br />parson is employed In his a her first 90 days of pnebetlonary <br />ore p la Me as an apprarice in such an app rcntcashp <br />phoga m, who s not ndvidualy rag sturod in the program, but <br />who has been certified by the Office of Ap prenice s hip <br />Tfa n i rig, Employer and Labor Se mica s or a Slato <br />Apprentices hip Agency (wham appropr iota) to ba eligible for <br />pmbatffx y ompbyment as an appfarn". <br />The allowable rato of apprmntices to jounneyman on the <br />silo nary craft classification she not ba greater than the ratio <br />p o mr bled to the wnlraclo{as to tie entm workforce udder <br />lh a rag stoned pnog ra m. Any wo rker I sled on a payroA at an <br />appf entice mg ralm, wha is not ragistemc! orothewrisa <br />o m p eyed as slated above, shall ba paid not less than the <br />applicablewage rato ontho wage datemrination for -the <br />-;a mihcaton of wo rk actually parfomnad. in add don, any <br />appnortce performing work on the job skein excess of the <br />ratio perm Mad urd or tho rag starred pmgmm shall be paid not <br />less than the a p pl ica bte wage rate on the Naga let rnr nat+on <br />for the work actually podomned. who's a codracor is <br />performing construction on a project n a locality other ton <br />that In which as program is ragsteed, the mtos and wage <br />rates(arpiamod nparcadages of thejounmyman's howdy <br />mte) specified n the co Lmctces or subcmltcacto-rs mgistared <br />program shall be observed <br />Every appentca must be paid at not lu ss than the rate <br />specified tithe mgisiamd program for tea ap pr mica's larval <br />pmWass. expressed asa porcenlago ofte aumoyman hourly <br />me specified in the applicabia wage deiarmihaton. <br />Ap pr micas s hall ba paid fringe benefits in accofdance wth <br />the provisonns d tho apprentceshp program. If the <br />a p p re ntrceshp program do es net specity fringe benefits, <br />apprentices must be paid the full amount of trnga benefits <br />I istod on the wage deteaninaikrn for the applicable <br />clas sficalion. If the Adrrinistalor dderrr %a that adiferent <br />pracirs proveiis for the applicable appfantice class acatbo, <br />fringes shall be paid inacaordance Nth ttatdeterminalon. <br />In the event the Office d Appm mica ship Training Employaf <br />and labor Services, or Stale Appramiceshp Agency <br />recugnoed by the Offba, withdraws approval of an <br />appiru ticeshp program, the contmdorwill mlongarba <br />pare ited to uli me apprentices at$msthe nthe applicable <br />pred4emYrred mre for the wok padomn ad untl an acceptable <br />program is approved. <br />b. Trakheas (progmmrs of tha USDCL). <br />E.scepl as provided in 29 CFR 5.16, tmineas will not be <br />pemneted trr work at leas than the predetamirhed vale for the <br />work perrofined unless they arc amployed pursuant tand <br />individualyrogistared in a program which has received prior <br />a pp royal, evidanced by formal certification by the U.S. <br />❑a partrnant of Labca. Employment and Tmirrhiang <br />Administration. <br />The into of trainees to p nneynern on the jab site shall not be <br />gmaler than gem died under the plan approved by the <br />Employmentand Tranng Admhistratcn <br />Every trrfnea mustba paid at not less than the rare specified <br />In tha approved program lot the to nae's level of pmgrass, <br />expressed as a parentage of the jo mr ayman hau dy rate <br />specified in the applicable wage deteeminatien. Tmno as shall <br />be paid Tinge ben ads in acsoidance with the prov sons of the <br />tca nee pmgmm. If the trainoe pnogarn does not nranton <br />trirlga tendils, trainees steel! be paid the full ameuntof fringe <br />benefits fisted on the wagu dotunnnalom unless the <br />Adm nstrator of the Waga and ,lour Division d arennim s that <br />them is an aplef wtica sh ip program associated with the <br />cormsponrdmig jo r oyman wage calm on the wage <br />dolerminaton which pmvoes kul ass than fur fringe benefits <br />for apprentices. Any arnpioyee lislad on the pa" eta trainee <br />mto who Is not mgstmed and pamicpali g in atraimg plan <br />approved by tie Empogrnert and TiaiNng Administration shall <br />be paid not less than the applicable wage care on trowaga <br />determination forlhe classificatkm of wok actaally peformsd. <br />in addition, any trance performing work on the job site rn <br />excess of the ratio pmrrriitlad udef the registered program <br />shall be paid not lass than the aleplcabla wage rare on the <br />wage detaminotim for -the w k acturty parformad. <br />In the event the Employment azd TranN Administration <br />wiltdraws approval of a tmnifg pmgmm, the contractor writ no <br />largerbe permitted to utilize tram-eas ai less tranthe <br />appl cable predalarm in fare for the work peflomn ad tintl an <br />acceptable program is approvad. <br />c. Equal employment opportunity. The uiizalbn d <br />apprentices, traioes and journeymen uid air tale pat staff be <br />n conformity with the aqurl ampoymem opporhrn illy <br />requirements of Exaculiva Order 11246, as amardad. a nd 29 <br />C Fit part X. <br />Z'L <br />