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S. Unilirrnt Administrative Requiremcmts, Cps- Princi tics. and Audit Reguircments <br />for Federal AwauW The Iollowing requirements and standards must be cornplicd wilt: 2 CFR <br />Part 200 et al. SUBRECIPIENT shall procure all materials, property, or services in accordance <br />With the rcquironlants of 2 CFR 200.318-326. <br />Crrrs OBLIGATIONS <br />A. Audit of Account. CITY shall include an audit of the accotml maintained by <br />SUBREC'IPIENT in CITY, amm ofall CARES Act Funds in accordance with "title 24 of the Code <br />of Federal Regulations and other applicable federal laws aril regulations. <br />B. CortPnon Rtde; Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.328(o, the CITY 111,91111908 the day-to-day <br />operations of each grant and subgrant supported activities, CITY staff has detailed knowledge of the <br />grant program requirements and monitors grant and subgrant supported activities to assure <br />compliance with federal requirements. Stich monitoring covers each program, lunelion and activity <br />and performance goals are reviewed periodically. <br />C. Pro'act 1 edtectauons; CITY shall monitor the perfrnnn'urce of 5t113Rt:CIPIEN1' <br />against goals and pe lormance standards required herein. The SUBRECIPIEN I shall be <br />responsible to accomplish the project expectations as set forth in Exhibit A, and report such rosults <br />to the CITY. II'the SUBRECIPIENT estimates such goads will not be met, the SUBRECH IENT <br />is to contact [lie CITY, at which time the CITY will determine if tiny adjustments to the grant <br />award is appropriale. Substandard performance as determined by the CITY will constitute non- <br />compliance with this Agreement. Should We CITY determine that the SUBRECIPIENT has not <br />performed its obligations as stated in this contract in a satisfactory manmer, or if the CITY <br />determines [hilt instdicima supporting Ahnnation has been submitted, the CITY shall notify the <br />SUBRECIPIENT in writing of its determination speeifying in fall detail the objections that it has <br />to the SUBRECIPlurrs perfonnanee. if action to correct such submumk rd performance is not <br />taken by the SUBRECIPIENT after behig noticed by the CITY, within a reasonable period of time <br />as stipulated in the written notification, contract suspension or termination procedures will be <br />initiated. <br />IV. GIIVEA2AL PROVISIONS <br />A. Non-DiscrintinatirnI. <br />L SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with Executive Order 11246, which requires <br />that during the performance of this A,lgreement, SUBRECIPIENT agrccs not to discriminate against <br />any entploycc or applicant for employment because of race, religion, sex, color or national origin. <br />Such action shall include- but not be limited to the following: employment, nperading, demotion, or <br />translur, rates of pay or other limns of compensation. and selaction for training, including <br />apprenticeship. SUBREC'IPIENT agrees to post in conspicuous places, nvAirlble to employees and <br />applicants till' employment, notices to be provided by the SUBRECIPIENT settimg linth the <br />procisdoos ()"this noodiscriutinatunt clause. <br />t0 <br />