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However, review of the City's CAP demonstrates that the CAP is designed to help the City achieve it's <br />2020 GHG reduction goal and needs to be updated in order to meet the City's 2035 GHG reduction <br />goal.41 Specifically, the CAP states: <br />"The measures in this CAP are projected to accomplish the goal of a 15% reduction in <br />community -wide emissions bv2020, and to nearly reach the 30% reduction by 2035 goal, as <br />shown in Figure 3.1. It is anticipated that new policy and technology options for reducing <br />emissions may become available before 2035; the CAP will need to be updated and additional <br />measures mayneed to be added to meet the 2035 goal. The CAP measures affecting municipal <br />operations are projected to accomplish both the 30% reduction by 2020 goal and the 40% <br />reduction by 2035 goal" (emphasis added).41 <br />As such, the City of Santa Ana's CAP is only applicable to projects that will be fullyoperational bv2020, <br />as the CAP should be updated to meet the City's 2035 GHG reduction goal. Given that it is already <br />October 2020 and the Project has yet to be approved, we know that the Project will not become <br />operational by 2020. Thus, the City's CAP is inapplicable to the proposed Project, and the Addendum's <br />reliance upon the City's CAP is incorrect. As a result, the Addendum's less than significant impact <br />conclusion regarding the City's CAP should not be relied upon. <br />(6) Failure to Demonstrate Consistency with CARB's 2017Scoping Plan <br />As discussed above, the Addendum relies upon the Project's consistency with the CARB's 2017 Scoping <br />Plan in order to conclude that the Project would result in a less than significant GHG impact (p. 3.5-3 - <br />3.5-4). However, review of CARB's 2017 Scoping Plan reveals that the proposed Project is inconsistent <br />with numerous measures, including but not limited to the analysis below: <br />Measures — Construction <br />Require construction vehicles to operate with the Here, the Addendum states that "[a]pplicable <br />highest tier engines commercially available construction mitigation measures include all diesel <br />fuel construction equipment classified U.S. <br />Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Tier II <br />or better" (p. 3.5-1). However, Tier 4 Final engines <br />are the highest tier commercially available. As <br />such, the Project fails to require construction <br />vehicles to operate with the highest tier engines <br />commercially available, as the measure requires. <br />Furthermore, the Addendum fails to evaluate the <br />41 "Santa Ana Climate Action Plan." ICLEI-USA, December 2015, available at: https://www.santa- <br /> action plan.pdf, p. 26. <br />42 "Santa Ana Climate Action Plan." ICLEI-USA, December 2015, available at: https://www.santa- <br /> action plan.pdf, p. 26. <br />43 California Air Resources Board ("CARB") (Jan. 2017) 2017 Scoping Plan, Appendix B-Local Action, availableat: <br />htti)s:// appb localaction final.pdf, p. 8-10. <br />24 <br />75C-99 <br />