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any, of Hazardous Waste that was inadvertently Collected, but Diverted from <br />landfilling. <br />12. Copies of all public education and outreach distributed during the reporting year <br />including the date of distribution. <br />13. A narrative summary of all City -sponsored, civic, and school events attended. <br />14. Copies of invoices documenting the amount of RNG used to provide services in <br />the City. If routes are commingled with other jurisdictions, Contractor must use <br />an allocation method to quantify the City's allocated amount. <br />8.3.5 Financial Report <br />The City may, at City's option, request the Contractor's audited financial <br />reports/statements (or parent company, if parent company submits Corporate <br />Guaranty of Performance), and Contractor's internally prepared supplemental <br />statement of income and expenses related specifically to the City of Santa Ana <br />operations, for the most recently completed fiscal year in connection with an <br />extraordinary rate adjustment request, billing audit, Franchise Fee audit, or verification <br />of other information required under this Agreement. <br />The financial statements and footnotes shall be prepared in accordance with Generally <br />Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and audited, in accordance with Generally <br />Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) by a certified public accountant (CPA) licensed <br />(in good standing) to practice public accounting in the State of California as determined <br />by the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs Board of Accountancy. The <br />cost for preparation of the financial statements and audit shall be borne by Contractor <br />as a direct cost of service. In addition, Contractor shall provide to City the <br />supplemental schedule on a compiled basis showing Contractor's results of operations, <br />including the specific revenues and expenses in connection with the operations <br />provided for in this Agreement, separated from others included in such financial <br />statements. <br />At City's request, Contractor shall provide City with copies of working papers or other <br />documentation deemed relevant by City relating to information shown in the disclosure <br />letter. The disclosure letter shall be provided to City. <br />August 17, 2021 136 City of Santa Ana <br />