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landscaping at a landfill, that is defined as a reduction in landfill Disposal <br />in accordance with 14 CCR Section 18983.1(b). <br />e. Land application of compostable materials consistent with 14 CCR Section <br />17852(a)(24.5) and subject to the conditions in 14 CCR Section <br />18983.1(b) (6). <br />f. Lawful use as animal feed, as set forth in California Food and Agricultural <br />Code Section 14901 et seq. and Title 3, Division 4, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2 <br />commencing with 14 CCR Article 1, Section 2675. <br />g. Other operations or facilities with processes that reduce short-lived <br />climate pollutants that are approved by the State in accordance with 14 <br />CCR Section 18983.2. <br />If Contractor is interested in using an operation, Facility, or activity not <br />expressly identified above for Source Separated Organic Materials <br />Processing, Contractor shall be responsible for securing the approvals <br />necessary from CalRecycle prior to the City's final approval of such <br />operation, Facility, or activity, and shall do so in accordance with the <br />procedures specified in 14 CCR Section 18983.2. <br />3. Preparation of Materials for Processing. The Contractor shall be responsible for <br />preparing materials for Processing at the Approved Organic Waste Processing <br />Facility, which shall include, but is not limited to, removal of visible physical <br />contaminants such as plastic, glass, metal, and chemicals prior to size reduction. <br />4. Limits on Incompatible Materials in Recovered Organic Waste <br />a. Limits. Except as described in Section 8.2.F.4.c. of this Exhibit 8, <br />Contractor's Transfer/Processing Facility or operation shall only send <br />offsite that Organic Waste recovered after Processing the Source Separated <br />Organic Materials that meets the following requirements or as otherwise <br />specified in 14 CCR Section 17409.5.8(a): <br />i. On and after January 1, 2022 with no more than 20 percent (20%) of <br />Incompatible Material by weight; and, <br />ii. On and after January 1, 2024 with no more than 10 percent (10%) of <br />August 17, 2021 8 - 10 City of Santa Ana <br />