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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />wall Polly the codractng decor within the 30 day period Ind <br />additional tone Is rerassay. <br />(4) Thewage rate (including fringe benefits whuro <br />appropriate) determined pursuant to paragraphs I.b.(2) a <br />l.b.(3) of Ihls section, shell be paid Joao workers paregatilg <br />work In the dosaificalbn under Ilia contract from the first <br />day on which work is patterned In the cbssilkatbn. <br />c. W henevOr tie Minimum wage role prescribed in the <br />contract fora class of irbonors ormechanim brdudaa a huge <br />baneffAsMsh Is not expressed on On hourly cols, the contractor <br />shell either pay the benefit So slated in tfo wage detarmnaSon <br />or shall pay aroiher bona fide Irngo berafit or an hourly cash <br />equivalent thereof. <br />d If the contractor does rot make pnymentsto a trustee or <br />Offer 111411 person, Ihe contractor maycoreWer as part of the <br />wages of my nbaor or mechanic the amount of any oosb <br />renewably anticipated In Providing bore fide fringe benefits <br />under a plan or program, Provided. That Ile Smmnry of <br />Labor has found, upon the written request of (he ooatmdor, <br />that the applicable standards of the Davis -Bacon Ad hero <br />been mat- The Sacrotary of labor may require (he contractor <br />to set aside In a separate account assets for the meeting of <br />obligations under the plan err pragran. <br />2. Wllhholdng <br />Tho contracting agency shal upon Is own action or upon <br />w+(gm request oran outerhzed representative offho <br />Deparment of Labor, withheld "cause in be withheld from <br />the contractor under this contract, a any other Federal <br />contract with We Sabra privo contractor, nary other federally, <br />assisted contract subject to Davis -Sawn providing wage <br />requirements, which Is hold by the sumo prime Gartland", so <br />mud) of the accrued payments Or advances as may be <br />considered necessary lopay laborers and mechanics, <br />Including appontkas, heiress. and helpers, employed bythe <br />wilifadof a any subcontraclnr the full amount of wages <br />req uffed by the contract n the event of failure to pay any <br />laborer air mechanic, Including any appn ikq tmnoo, or <br />helper, employed "working on he Ste of the work. at"part <br />of he wages required by the contract, the "trading agency <br />may, armor wMon notice to the contrada, toko such action as <br />may be necessary In cause the Suspension of say further <br />payment, advrnoa, "guarantee of funds u ill suchvddatlom <br />have chased. <br />3. Payrolls andbasic records <br />a. PaynAls and bask cwmds rdoWg thomfo stol be <br />maintained by d)e contractor during the course of the work and <br />Preserved for a period of Ihroo yeas thereafter far no labwors <br />and mechanics work nil at the Ste of to work. Such recede <br />shall contain the name, address, and social saw sy number of <br />eachsuch worker, his or herconectcassifoatbn, heady mtee <br />olwagos paid (including miss OF contributions "Goals <br />anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits "cash equivalents <br />thereof of the types described In sadden I(bX2)(8) of the <br />Davis -Sewn Act), daily and weekly nurtborof hours waked, <br />dedrelimsmade and actual wages paid. Whenever the <br />Secretary Of Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(aj(i XIv) Ind <br />the wages of any laborer "mechanic Include the amount of <br />any costs masonablyantdpated In providing benefits under a <br />plan or program described In soclion I(bj(2)(B) of he Davis <br />Bacon Act. the contractor shot and lain records which show <br />Unit (he cornmemeat to provide such bahef is Is enrercoablo, <br />that <br />the plan or program IS finultldy rsspmsltlo, and that (be <br />gram IM been cognmernicalod In willing to the <br />whor W modonirs affected, and moons wti i shhaw the <br />costs anticipated or Ile actual oast incurred in providing such <br />berOldS, Cmtmlam empkying apprentices or Palmas under <br />approved Programs shall makhlm willing evidence of he <br />registration at appfenloaship proof grins and coristcakkn of <br />baling programs, the regisballm of Ito apportions and <br />trainers, and Ilia ratna and wage rates prescribed (n the <br />applicable programs. <br />b.(I ) The coatracta shall s)bms waeldy, for each weak in <br />which any contract work Is Performed a oopy of at Payrolls to <br />Ihoosntadng agency. Thepsymllasubndledshotsaloul <br />accurately and completely all of the Infomntion mquked late <br />maintained mdef 29 CFR 5.5(aX3XI), except awl fill sodal <br />security numbers and lame addresses shall not be Included <br />on weekly tongnildle ]reload the pavmlfs shelf only good In <br />an kdihidualy Idanitying ncm f" each amplcyfo <br />a.g. , ran last four CHIPS of the employee's Social security <br />number), The required weekly payroll Information may be <br />submpled In any form desired. Optional Form WH-347 is <br />evadable INNS puposefrom the Wage and Hour OFrislon <br />Web sited hltfthWww.dotgovbsW*tdHomhsMh34Arekehm <br />or its cuooasecr site. The Prkn i Walmcbrfs resPOPsafefa <br />the svbmissfonof copies of Payrolls by all subcontractors. <br />Coatadofe and subcontractors Shall maintain Ilia full social <br />socusy number and current address, of each covered worker, <br />and shall proido them upon mqued lothecortrading agency <br />for transmission to the State DOT, the FHWA athe Wage and <br />Hour DNsion of the DepaNnanlof Latiorfor purposes of an <br />InrosUgotifn Of audit of compliance won prevailing wago <br />fequkemanls. (its rot ovblAko of the soclon for aprime <br />oonbador to require a subcoffmdoris provide addresses and <br />social seafdlynumbors tollm prime contractor for Is uvn <br />roads, wghad woolly submission to he contracting agency- <br />(2) Each Payol submitted shall be acoompaded by a <br />'Statement Of complanoff- signed by the canyad rot <br />subcontract" a his or bar agentVro pays Of supervises the <br />Payment of he parsoria employed under the ceramic and shall <br />ceddy the following- <br />0) That the payml for the Palma period contains the <br />Information required to be Provided under§5.5 (ax3)01)of <br />Regulations. 29 CFR pat 5 the appropriate Idormallon Is <br />being maintained under §S.S (a)(3)(I) of Regulations, 29 <br />CFR part 5, and that such information Is oward and <br />complete; <br />(it) That each aboror" machank pnc]udng each <br />halter, appenUm. and hntnoo) employed an the contract <br />during the payoffod Ines hem paid the fill woaldy <br />wages earned VA oedt rebate, either dkocty orhdkeeiy, <br />all did he deductions have been mado either directly or <br />ndkectiy from the fudwages named, oiler than <br />Permissible deductions as set forth In Regulations, 29 CFR <br />pad 3; <br />(i) That each taborer ur mechanic has bow pan not <br />Ion than the appl(cadewage rates and fringe banofds of <br />cash equivalents f" the classification of work porfonned, <br />m specified n the applicable wage determination <br />incorporated into he meted. <br />P-23 of P-52 <br />