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CITY Or SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />(3) The weepy submission of a property executed <br />cedtlodbn set forth on the reverser side of Oplbnal Fomn <br />WH-347 shall eats(y the requirement fa submission of the <br />"Stammers Of Canpllonmd' mgdred by pamgmph S.b,(t) of <br />this Section. <br />(4) Ths futslfiragon of any of the above certgcalbns may <br />subject the contractor or subcontractor to CIAI or alminal <br />pmaecutlorowdef section 1001 of 119610 and section 231 Of <br />title 31 Of the UlYted Slates Code. <br />c. The contractor a subcontractor shag make the mounds <br />required under paragraph 3.a. ofthis Mellon available for <br />Inspection. copyNmg, ortromodpilon by aulhadred <br />represenmtiversof the co rtmclag agency, the Slate DOT, the <br />FHWA, orthe Department Of Labor, and shag pennp ouch <br />mpresenldlVOS to nloriiaw employees OWN Nodding Yours <br />on the job, If the contractor or subcontractor falls to submll the <br />required Monde Or to make Than avaiable, the FHWA may, <br />after val tea notice to the contract", the contacting agency or <br />the State DOT, lake such action as my be necessary to <br />counts the suspension of any rWhor peymenL advance, a <br />gusranteeoffunds, Furthermore, fdkre to submit are mqu.rad <br />records upon request or to make such records avaitade may <br />be grounds for drtammnlactlon pursuant to 29 CFR 5.12. <br />4. Apprentices and trainees <br />e. Apprentices (xogs" of the USDOL), <br />Appmniceslad W pefmllled to work at less then the <br />pmdelarograd rate for the work they performed when they we <br />employed pursuant to and kWNiduaay reglelered Ina bore fide <br />apprortionshlp program registered with the U.S. Department of <br />Labor. Employment and Training Admnlskdton, Office of <br />Approntk:aaHp Tramng, Enployor and Labor S orvkrs, orwffh <br />a State Apprenticeship Agencyreoogdrsd by the office, m If a <br />person Is employed In his a herlirst 90 days of probationary <br />employment as an apprentice In Such an apprenWeshlp <br />pmpam, who IS flat Indivkludy registered In the pmppram' but <br />who lies bean clogged by the 001ce cf Aoordulloeew, <br />novices or a Slate <br />apppprrorpprriatpe) to be epglble nor <br />The allowable Milo ofapp i nices to journeymen on the )ob <br />Site In any crag classilicallon step not be greater than the ratio <br />Permitted to the contractor its to the antra work force under <br />the regisered program. Any worker listed on a ppyrcti at an <br />apprentice wage rate, who is not registered of olhorwfae <br />employed es slated above, shag be paid not loss Man the <br />applicabe wage rate on the wage dommil a tan for the <br />chsslfratkm ofwork actually pedommd, In addition, any <br />apprentice performing work on the job site in excess of the <br />mile pamstod under the a gelarad program shag be paid not <br />less stun ice applicable wage rate an the wagedeloannation <br />for the work actually performed Where a codredor Is <br />porfonnng construction on a project In a lacadly other then <br />list In which its program is registered, the rogas and wage <br />MISS(dgaesssd In percentages of the)onmeyman's hourly <br />rate) spedged In Iha coomda" e a subconbeclor,s mgistered <br />program shall be obsarvad <br />Every apprentice mud be paid at act loss than the rate <br />specpiod In the registered program for the appronlda's level of <br />expressed as a percentage tithe )omneymen hourly <br />rate specgted In the applicable wage dotomthatbn. <br />Apprenticed shop be paid rage benagls Inaccadancowah <br />the provisions of the appronllceshp program. If the <br />eppmn5ceship program does not specify fringe bandits, <br />apprentices mull bar paid the fail amount of fringe bondps <br />Ilslod on the %Vo datmmnatnrr fur the appik able <br />classification. II the Admirsstrator deiermims that a different <br />practice prawns for the eppllcabin apprentice daeaAcalbn, <br />fringes shell be paid n accordance with fired determination, <br />In the evenllla Office of Apprimlooship Training, Employer <br />and Labor SOMiDes, or a Stele Apprenticeship Agency <br />recognized by Iha OOba, W IW(ays approval of an <br />apprersksshp program His contractor will no longer e <br />permitted to dgke approollcm at loss Ihonlhe app7kaHe <br />peddaadmal rate for the work; performed and an acceptable <br />program Is appraad. <br />b. Trainees(pmgmms of the USDOL). <br />Eirceptas provided In 29 CFR 5.10, Iminees will not be <br />pa"Mad to wok at INS than the predetermined rota fa the <br />work performed unless they era employed pumuanl to end <br />Indtvldually registered n a program which has received pion <br />approval, evidenced by formal ca"I iconon by the US. <br />Department of Labor, Employment and Tmining <br />Administration. <br />The Milo of trelcoes to pomayman on Iha jab site shall not be <br />gmalor than pa"Ifted under the plan approved by the <br />Employment and Training AdmLMstmlbn <br />Every hanao must be paid at rot less than (be rate specified <br />in era approved program fa The trainee's level of pmgress, <br />expressed as a percentage of the jeanoyman howdy rate <br />spedflod in the oppilooble wage ddsnmlnatbn. Tmlknow shall <br />be paid singe tatoot is In accordance with the provlskms of the <br />Imk%O pmgmm, g the baime program does ad monlon <br />fringe bandits, [mimes that be pail the fill onieunlof fringe <br />bamfits listed on Ihowago determination unless ice <br />Administrator of the Wage and Hour DIVISon determines thal <br />there Is an appoodceshp program assoatelod with the <br />camepdnliing daMmnndllan watch eprovides qless than efull Igo <br />benefits <br />Ia apprertllces. Any employee Haled on the payroll at a trdnoe <br />MIS who Is not registered and podicipatlrg in a training pan <br />approved by Ira Employment and Training Adatnlstralkn shag <br />be pull not loss than the applicable wage rate on the wage <br />ddemmlria0m fa the classlf calnn of work actually performed. <br />In addition, any barmen performing work on ice job site In <br />excess of to ratio pefndltod under the registered program <br />shag be paid rot less than the apppca le wage rate on tho <br />wage delormlrollon for the work actually performed. <br />In the avers the Employment and Tinning Admoistratoo <br />withdraws approval of a training program, the oonbador will no <br />longer be permitted to utltTo banses at less gran the <br />opplicablo predetermined role far the work performed unit an <br />acceptable program is approved. <br />c, Egral employment opportunity, The Winston Of <br />apprentices, Iraneas and journeymen under ids part shop be <br />In conbrmllyy with the equal employment oppahmity <br />requirements of ExacuNve Order 11245, as amended, and 29 <br />CFR pad 30. <br />P-24 of P-52 <br />