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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: I8-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />it Apprenlms and Trainees (rogram of the U.S. DDT). <br />Apprentices and tairus working under alpremkeship and <br />skin wining programs which hue been certified by he <br />Secretary of Transportation m promoting EEO in oonnactbn <br />will, Federal -aid highway construction p ogrems ere not <br />subjod to the requkoments of paragraph 4 of this Section N. <br />The simghl tkno hourly M90 rates for apPmmces and <br />tminms under ouch programs w91 be mlobfishad b/ he <br />polletfor programs. The ratio of apprentices and Indrou to <br />lmrmymen Shelf not be greater Ion polmfitad by the tortns or <br />he pnnkunr pmgmm. <br />S. Compliance with Copeland Act requirements. The <br />wdradorshab comply with the ruV4trements of 29 CFR pod <br />3, which are klmgsoralod by reference to this codmct <br />S. Subcoramcts. The mahacbr or Subcontractor Out kesed <br />Form FHWA-1273 in on/ subcontracts and aboroquko The <br />Subconmdors to include Fonn FHWA-1273 in, enYbwerber <br />Subcontracts. Iho pNmo contractor shell bin responsible (cc Ian <br />compliance by any subcouradoror lower liar sulticurninicioi <br />with of 0recontract clauses In 29CFR 55. <br />7. Contract nomination; dobarmonl. A breach of he <br />contract clmus In 29 CFR S5 may be grounds for termInabn <br />of the o mrect neM (or dobamtenl m n mntanbr and o <br />s Wcwbraclor arc prwlded In 29 CFR 6.12. <br />6. Compliance with Davis -Dawn and Roland Act <br />requirement& Al rulings and Interpretations of he Davis <br />Down end Related Acts contained in 29 CFR parts 1, 3, and 5 <br />am heroin incorporated by reference in Ihfs contact. <br />a. Disputes concarnIng labor Stand ends. Disputes adsktg <br />out of are lobar standarde provisions of this contract shall not <br />be subject b the goneml dspdas ckuam d Wbcmt t=L Such <br />deputes ahal be resolved In accordnnco with he procedures <br />of No Department of Labor set forth In 29 CFR parts 5, S, and <br />7. Disputes wittin the meaning of this clause idum disputes <br />batmen tin contractor (or my of is subcmtractore) min the <br />contmctktg agency, the U.S. Department of Labor, a the <br />employees or Our mpmsentdivos. <br />10. Cart lkcatlrn of algfbi My. <br />a By entering Into this contract, W conractorcerldfos I lot <br />rather It (hot he a she) nor any person err firm who Van <br />Interest In ho wncadars Ilan te a parson orfkm krefigibto to <br />be awarded Government contends by vklw of soctbn 3(a) of <br />the Davis-Sumn Ad or 29 CFR 5.12(OX 1). <br />b. No part of this contract Shall be submntrmted to my pa son <br />or On Ineligible for award of a Governnentconimet by viduo <br />of auction 3(a) of the Davis -Sawn Act or 29 CFR 6,12(aX 1), <br />c. The penalty fa me" MISS slarennents Is Proscribed In the <br />U.S. Criminal Coda, iS U.S.C. 1001. <br />V. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY <br />STANDARDS ACT <br />The following louses apply to any fodad old construction <br />malted In an amaant In exacass of $100,000 and a Wjaclto tie <br />O"Mum pmv¢ims of No Contract Work Flours and Sally <br />Standards Act TFnsedanses shall be imaded in addlien to <br />the clauses required by 29 CFR 5.5(a) a 29 CFR 4.9 As <br />land In this paragraph, the lorms Inbaas and mechanics <br />Include watchmen and guards. <br />1.0vallmarogWrarmnls, Nocmbodororstbwnindor <br />contracting for any pad of he contract wont which may require <br />Or Involve the ompbymoral of laborers or mmhenksshell <br />requko or Fennell mysuch laborer or mechanic In ary <br />workweek to which he or sin Is employed on such work to <br />work In ucess d forty hers In such waneveek uuass such <br />laborer or medlama mwlve9 mnpea i alko al a cob not less <br />than one and one -hob linos the busk redo of pay for all hours <br />workod In es ss of fatty tours In such wadmeok. <br />2. Wolaean; tiablifty for unpaid wages; Rquklated <br />damages- In he avant of arty violation of the douse sot fault <br />in pomgraph (I.) of this section, he wntractorand any <br />subwaniclor responsible thombr shall be bible for the <br />imam wagesin addition, such mntmda and subcontractor <br />shol be liable to the Unwed Stalm (in the case dwork dam <br />under contract [of the Disrbl d Columbia or a tomlory, to such <br />Dis lid or touch territory). for liquidated damages. Such <br />liquidated danagos steal be computed with ISspoof to each <br />individuOf laborer or maehantc. Including watchman and <br />guards, employed In violation Of The demo Sol forth In <br />parsgmplh (I.) of this suction. In the sum of SI0 for each <br />catendor day at which Such Individual was required or <br />pomllled b work In eneea of the standard workweek of buy <br />boas without payment of Uu overtime wages requital by the <br />clams $Of h In paragraph (1.) of this section. <br />3. Withholding for unpaid wages and Iguidalod damagos. <br />The FHWA a the contacting agency shel upon its awn action <br />or upon wrillon request of an auihorned reproscrI of the <br />Department of Labor sithinld or muse lobo withhold, from <br />and moneys payable an mcoutt of work performed by the <br />oodrada or subcontractor under any suehcmlrad or any <br />other Federal contract wdh the sane pdme contractor, or any <br />atliur fadomihhassisnd contract Subject to the Contract Work <br />Hour and Safely Standards Ad, wfidt Is hold by the sumo <br />Prim contractor, such sumo as my be dolemlkmd to be <br />nmmentry to mibty any latifts d Such contractor <br />subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as <br />Provided In ho clause Sol Neill In paragraph (2.) d this <br />section. <br />4-Subcontracts. Thoeenbactororwbwntfaclasholbwrt <br />In any Subcontracts the clauses Sol (a It in paragraph If.) <br />through (4.) of the section and also a douse, requiring the <br />subcontractors to indude thus clauses In any lower Her <br />Subcontracts. The prime contrmlorshal be fmpershle for <br />complonce by any Subcontrecbr or lower Iof subcontractor <br />with the dauses set foil h in paragraphs (1.) through (4.) of this <br />soclion. <br />P-25 of P-52 <br />