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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />VI. SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING THE CONTRACT <br />This provision Is appicable to all Federalab construction <br />contracts on the National Highway System. <br />1, The callrodor shot perform wall its own orgnnbatbn <br />contract %York amconling to rot loss than 30 percent or a <br />omelet percentage 9 specified elsewhere in the contract) of <br />the tolaloriginal contract prim. excluding any spaclo ty items <br />designated by the contracting agency. Specialty immorally be <br />performed by subcontract and the amount of any such <br />spoc Inky isms ponfomred may be deducted from the total <br />original contract price before computing The wountof%wrk <br />required to be performed by the contractors awe orgontzollon <br />(23 CFR 635,116). <br />a. The farm'perbnn work with is won arganlcalbry refers <br />to %Yorkers employed or based by he pima contractor, and <br />eguipnere nl "led or nlod prime <br />by lie pre contractor, 4h a <br />withoutopaatols. Such tam does rot include employees or <br />equipment of a subconlmcbr or lower tior Subconntrodor, <br />agents of the prime contractor. or any other ossignoa. The <br />War; may Include payments fa the moss d hkbg based <br />employees flour an employee liaising rim meeting all relevant <br />Federal and Steteraguiately requirements. Lensed <br />employees may only be Included in this term if tha p done <br />contmclor mods tll of the folowIng coadlaone, <br />(1) the prime contractor maintains weird ovar she <br />supervision of theday-today activities of the based <br />employees; <br />(2) the prime conttmctorre mains rosponaltlofor the quality <br />of ono work oflhe Inasad employees: <br />(3) the prime contractor relates ag power to accept or <br />exclude adivkluaf employees from work on lire pr*cl: and <br />(4) Ie pdmo codfoctor mmeifs oaknateiy mspomlbla for <br />the payment of predetermined n7**num wages, the <br />sutmissbnofpoyfols,sstommtsof complianco erd all <br />other Federal mgdabry requirements, <br />b.'Spodaay gems' $hall be consisted b be limited to work <br />that mqukes highly specTat zed knowledge, atAIN as. or <br />equipment a atordnsrgy o"Illade in the type of contracting <br />organ wtbns qualified and ospacted to bid or propose on the <br />contract as a whole and In general am to tea laniled to m(nor <br />compionsnls of the awrsll contract. <br />2 The contreclemounl upon which the mquiemorim set fork <br />In pamgmph (1) of Sa W VI is computed lndudes the rest of <br />material and manalactured produas whkir state be <br />pumbawdorpmdmodbykillcontmci runderthecontfwt <br />provldons. <br />3. TM contractor shall furnish (o) a competentsuporkllondonl <br />or supervisorwho Is employed by he firm, two full authority to <br />died performance of the work he aaortlanco with he contract <br />requiements, and s h charge of all conelrudksiopersttons <br />(regardlws of who pofofms Io wwrkl and (b) such other of is <br />own organizational resources (supervision, monagoment, and <br />engineering soMcos) as the commcting ofgcadolemnines is <br />necessary to assure the perfoma ance ofthe contract. <br />4, No portion of the Contract shag be sublet, assigned a <br />dhenvso disposed of onopt %vah le %oaten Corsed of The <br />contracting oticer, or authorized roprnsotalNe, ad such <br />consent when given shag not be constmod to mi he <br />contractor carry responsibility for the WISmant of he <br />contract Wdhen consent will be given orty ono ire <br />contracting agency has assured that each subcontract is <br />evidenced in wetting and that it oameas all parkeent provsions <br />and requiromonts of he prime contract. <br />5. The 3W. self•podomtarrw requiomant d paragraph (1) is <br />nol septic sells to design. build control; is; howwwr, conlmctirg <br />agencies may establish their own soB-por[of manco <br />requirements. <br />VI. SAFETY: ACCIDENT PREVENTION <br />T h I is p r o v e si a s i s applicable toall Faderaleld <br />caislnuctlon conlmcis and Is all related subwnlracts. <br />1. In the performance d this contranthecmira:ta shall <br />comply with all applicable Federal, Smile. and "lam <br />governing m i ety, heath, and sanitation (23 CFR 635). The <br />contmctm a hal prwde ag mieguenis, mfetydevkes and <br />pmtedNe equynmodanl tdw anyolhernoodod actfonsos g <br />debmdnes, or na the of ntmding ollkef may delarmine, table <br />reasonably necessary to protect ills Ile and haaah of <br />employees on the Job and the safety of the public one to <br />Protect Property In a mclbn with the polormanco of he <br />work cowed by he contract <br />2. 1 is a condition of the conlrect, and shall be made a <br />corxtNon of each aubowlmd. witch he contractor onters Into <br />Pursuant to fits contract, thal the ooalredor and any <br />subcontractor srolloaf parmil any employee, in performance <br />of the contract to work in surroundings a under conditions <br />wtidi we unsanitary, hazoldous or dangerous (obsder <br />healthier safety, as determined undarconstrecdan safety and <br />hoalm standards (29CFR 1926)pronugated by the Seoatay <br />of Labor, in aocordence with Soctkun 107 of Ihm corearacl Work <br />(burs and Safety Standards Act(40 U.S.C. 3704). <br />3. Pursuers to 29 CFR 1926.3. it is a coodtion of Its contract <br />that the Secretary, of Labor or authorized repesentouvm <br />Meant, shag low right of entry to any site d contract <br />parhtmance to bspaClar Investigate the matter compliance <br />with the coretrudbn solely and health standards and to arry, <br />out the dalba of he Secretary under Socfon 107 of the <br />Contract Work Horss and Safely Stanteds Acl(40 <br />U.&C.3704). <br />VI 1. FALSE STATEMENTS CONCERNING H IGHWAY <br />PROJECTS <br />This provision Is applicable to all Federal -aid <br />construction Contracts and b dlreiatod snlboarllreda <br />Inorderto am re high quaity and durable construction in <br />confomily with approved plans and specifications and ahigtl <br />degree of reliability on staNmods and represontatos made <br />by engineers. contractors, suppliers, and workers an Federal. <br />aid highway proocls. HIS essential that all porsons concomod <br />with the projoctpedorm lheirfurcliona as coreluly, thoroughly, <br />and honestly as possible . Witul fasllicatdon, disloribn, or <br />misrepresentation with respect to any facts related lathe <br />project Is a violation of Federal law. To prevent any <br />misunderstanding regarding he Seriousness of these and <br />similar acts, Form FliWA•1022 shop be posted on each <br />Federal"0 highway pvwt (23 CFR WS)in awe ormore <br />places whom t Is modify ay Holkilo to al persons conaerred <br />with the prgtect, <br />1e1.).S.C, 1020readsasfolaws: <br />P-26 of P-52 <br />