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The above -mentioned program recommendations provided by the HRC and PBA staff are <br />consistent with the City's established goals and policies as part of the Historic Preservation <br />Element. The work program recommendations can be organized into three historic preservation <br />goals listed in Historic Preservation Element and below: <br />HP-1: Historic Areas and Reso <br />Preserve and enhance Santa Ana's historic areas and resources to maintain a unique sense <br />of place. <br />Cultural and Historic Resources <br />Promote the City's cultural and historic resources to advance Santa Ana's role in Southern <br />California history. <br />3: Historic Preservation <br />Develop, implement, and maintain a nationally recognized historic preservation program. <br />In establishing measurable work program actions and timelines, PBA staff will look to the <br />established goals, policies, and implementation measures in the Historic Preservation Element, <br />as well as the HRC's goals and recommendations. Some of the work programs discussed are <br />procedural and administrative in nature and can be addressed by the HRC and staff. However, <br />other work program items/topics require direction and feedback from the City Council. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The HRC is requesting the City Council to consider and provide directions to staff to proceed <br />with initiating the process to implement the Historic Preservation Work Program for 2022- <br />2023, and implement the above work program recommendations. <br />City Council 6-6 12/6/2022 <br />