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DocuSign Envelope ID: FA12C758-3EF4-45F3-BODF-724674D71270 <br />10 <br />What are your company's expectations in the <br />Whether it's the internal expectations we set for ourselves, or external expectations financial <br />event of an award? <br />analysts place on us every three months when it comes time to publicly report our financials, <br />CDWG has a history of exceeding expectations. We are successful in exceeding expectations <br />in part due to discipline and a forward -thinking approach. We think carefully about what the <br />future will look like and use internal metrics to make sure we are tracking our forecasts <br />(Please see Question 65 for sample metrics). This process makes us confident going on the <br />record with our projections, knowing we will be held to these standards and expected to <br />deliver. A highlight of the Sourcewell and CDWG relationship over the years has been the <br />alignment of expectations and the roadmap to meeting and often exceeding those. Before we <br />dive in to our expectations upon award of this contract, we'd like to revisit our financial <br />expectations set forth in the last Technology Solutions proposal and how we performed against <br />those: Expected peak growth for 2018 as described in CDWG 2014 Sourcewell/NJPA <br />Technology Solutions proposal: $350,000,000 <br />Actual growth for 2018: $550,000,000 For the next five years of this contract, we project the fc <br />revenue targets under a sole source award: <br />2020: $594,930,000 <br />2021: $624,680,000 <br />2022: $655,910,000 <br />2023: $688,710,000 <br />2024: $723,140,000 <br />Here are five big ideas on how CDWG and Sourcewell will get there together: 1) We <br />expect Canadian performance on this contract will be a key differentiator. We have more than <br />400 coworkers in Canada to support Sourcewell members across the country. Our recent <br />acquisition of Scalar Decisions Inc., a leading IT solutions provider in Canada, enhances the <br />value that we can deliver to customers. Scalar's expertise is in professional and managed <br />services, infrastructure, and security. <br />2) We expect to further diverse partnerships to continue ongoing focus on all communities <br />Sourcewell serves. We do this in a number of ways. Externally, such as in 2018 when we <br />were invited to join the New York City Mayor's Corporate Alliance Program, which provides <br />diverse businesses direct access to select partner corporations. And internally, with diverse <br />supplier trainings for our sales force that enable better understanding of customers' diversity <br />goals and initiatives, and CDW•G's diverse spend solutions. <br />3) We expect collaboration on marketing to drive increased contract usage and growth. We <br />will generate a spotlight media piece detailing the exclusivity of the CDWG & Sourcewell <br />agreement that can be shared through various channels, participate in cobranding marketing <br />opportunities, continue sales enablement and training activities, and generate awareness of the <br />agreement through key events and collateral primarily distributed electronically but also with <br />printed releases. 4) We expect to continue our effective partnerships with the Sourcewell <br />organization and other valued Sourcewell vendors. As one of the longest -tenured Sourcewell <br />vendors and one of the largest in terms of sales volume, CDWG brings tremendous resources <br />to the relationship. We have actively participated in support of Sourcewell leadership and its <br />annual vendor conference for fifteen years. Mark Ellis, from CDW•G's Program Management <br />team, has been an active participant on Sourcewell's Vendor Advisory Board, collaborating on <br />past initiatives, such as collecting data from the vendor community on ideas for improved <br />collaboration with Sourcewell, and in Sourcewell's recent transition from NJPA, connecting <br />Sourcewell to CDWG marketing leaders and executives to review and solicit feedback. 5) <br />We expect regular strategy meetings with Sourcewell to achieve the following goals: a. <br />Align Sourcewell goals with CDWG business development and sales leadership to create <br />targeted lists of customers based on membership status, which we're already serving but with <br />less activity than expected, and which we're not serving but should be. For example, CDWG <br />and Sourcewell's joint success in leveraging our strong public safety offerings to establish a <br />relationship with the National Sherriff's Association is a blueprint for the future. b. Contribute <br />research on key legislation that impacts cooperative purchasing. For example, we know <br />recently Utah and Illinois passed legislation that should benefit cooperative <br />purchasing initiatives in those states. <br />Demonstrate your financial strength and stability <br />Sourcewell can be confident of CDW•G's financial stability. We are a subsidiary of CDW, LLC, <br />with meaningful data. This could include such <br />which is a subsidiary of CDW Corporation, a publicly -owned Fortune 500 company. As a <br />items as financial statements, SEC filings, credit <br />government agency, Sourcewell is familiar with the trust established through transparency. Four <br />and bond ratings, letters of credit, and detailed <br />times a year our CEO, Christine Leahy, and CFO make public the results of our recent <br />reference letters. Upload supporting documents <br />financial performance and the overall health of our company. We are very proud of our <br />(as applicable) in the document upload section of <br />financial record. Selected current financial data: <br />your response. <br />Current CDW corporate credit ratings are all stable: <br />o Moody's: Ba2 o <br />Standard and Poor's: BB+ o <br />Moody's Outlook: Positive o <br />S&P Outlook: Stable <br />o Our cash plus revolver availability (open agreements to borrow) is at $1.2B as of June <br />30, 2019, demonstrating strong financial credit. <br />Over the past decade our net sales have almost doubled U.S. IT spending as measured <br />by Compound Annual Growth Rate ("CAGR") <br />CDW has been steadily increasing revenue for each year since we went public in 2013, <br />reaching our highest -ever net sales at $16.2B We have also uploaded CDW's past three <br />health. <br />City Council <br />Our complete financial po4oka, ailable at 12/6/2022 <br /> <br />