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City of Santa Ana <br />Main Library <br />2021-2022 B F-1-21-053 <br />Page 4 <br />specified in this Agreement. Under no circumstances shall payments exceed the total <br />grant amount identified in this Agreement. <br />D. Reports <br />2 <br />The Grantee shall be responsible for submission of interim and final narrative and <br />financial reports on the progress and activities of the project, to the State Library, <br />using the sample report documents provided by the State Library. Visual <br />documentation (e.g. still or video photography) will be required as part of each <br />Narrative Report. <br />All the reports must be current, include all required sections and documents, and <br />must be approved by the Grant Monitor before an ayment request can be <br />processed. Failure to comply with the specified r rting requirements may be <br />considered a breach of this Agreement and r i e termination of the <br />Agreement or rejection of the payment re t and/o rfeiture by the Grantee <br />of claims for costs incurred that might oth ise e be ligible for grant <br />funding. Any problems or delays must be re immediately to the Grant <br />Monitor. The financial reports shall reflect the e nditures made by the Grantee <br />under the Agreement and may be rated the same reporting <br />structure as the narrative reports. <br />3. The reports shall be subm the <br />Reporting Period <br />Rep <br />Due Date <br />Project start date <br />cia porTs-=ue <br />May 1, 2023 <br />-March 2023 <br />IL <br />April 2023 -JunlWN <br />Financi Reports, Expenditure Detail, and <br />July 31, 2023 <br />2023 <br />arrat' Reports Due <br />July 2023 - <br />Fi cial Reports Due <br />October 31, 2023 <br />September 2023 <br />October 2023- <br />Financial Reports, Expenditure Detail, and <br />January 31, 2024 <br />December 2023 <br />Narrative Reports Due <br />January 2024- <br />Financial Reports Due <br />April 30, 2024 <br />March 2024 <br />April 2024 -June <br />Financial Reports, Expenditure Detail, and <br />July 31, 2024 <br />2024 <br />Narrative Reports Due <br />July 2024- <br />Financial Reports Due <br />October 31, 2024 <br />September 2024 <br />City Council 13 - 8 12/20/2022 <br />