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to the City of Santa Ana for On -Call Environmental Services (RFP 21-105) <br />and have successfully negotiated permit conditions on behalf of our clients for hundreds of <br />projects. <br />Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Assessments <br />ECORP's technical assessment and modeling team is involved in the preparation of a full range <br />of CEQA environmental compliance and review documents, and is proficient in the use of <br />CalEEMOd, EMFAC2014, AERMOD, and other industry standard emissions modeling tools. <br />ECORP has extensive expertise conducting emissions -related analyses and a comprehensive <br />working knowledge of the associated regulatory environment, including that promulgated by the <br />South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) to achieve and maintain all federal <br />and state air quality standards in the South Coast Air Basin, in which the City is located. We are <br />also familiar with the SCAQMD's and the City's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and <br />reduce the effects of climate change. <br />Noise Assessments <br />ECORP employs state-of-the-art technology and a comprehensive working knowledge of the <br />regulatory environment to provide clients with cost-efficient and technically defensible noise - <br />related analysis. ECORP's technical analysts are proficient in the use of the Roadway <br />Construction Model, the Federal Highway Administration Highway Traffic Noise Prediction <br />Model, and other industry standard noise modeling tools. ECORP also provides both short and <br />long-term noise level measurements to assess the existing noise environment and effectively <br />analyze the contributions of a given project on future ambient noise levels. Noise level <br />measurements provide an understanding of existing conditions as they relate to local <br />regulations and the noise -sensitive land uses in a given area. Our staff is experienced with <br />collecting noise level measurements for a variety of projects, from residential homes to <br />commercial and warehouse developments, and use equipment which meets the latest American <br />National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard specifications for sound level meters. <br />We will create a master calendar for this program so that all projects and assigned staff are <br />clearly defined and each staff member knows their schedule and their responsibilities. <br />Supporting Technical Studies and Services <br />Hydrology, Water Quality, Sewer, and Utility Services <br />Both Huitt-Zollars and Civil Works offer a wide range of storm water quality management <br />expertise to both the private and public sectors for both linear and traditional construction <br />projects throughout California. These subconsultants approach each project with site -specific <br />and cost-effective techniques to minimize storm water pollution, and comply with state, federal, <br />and local regulations. The ECORP team includes Certified Professionals in Erosion and <br />Sediment Control (CPESCs) that are certified by the State as Qualified SWPPP Developers <br />(QSD) and Qualified SWPPP Practitioners (QSP). Each QSDs and QSPs are familiar with the <br />requirements set forth in the NPDES Construction General Permit, Municipal, and Industrial <br />Permits. Both Huitt-Zollars and Civil Works have long-term experience with SWPPP preparation <br />and implementation and qualified staff that specialize in compliance assistance with the <br />requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Their staff possesses an <br />- ECORP Consulting, Inc. October2l, 2021 ■ 24 <br />ern, i nos Aevra can 1.1 AN I Irs P21-590 <br />