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Proposal to the City of Santa Ana for On -Call Environmental Services <br />in-depth knowledge of appropriate and effective erosion and sediment control Best <br />Management Practices (BMPs) and our team of project managers and environmental specialists <br />regularly assist clients with the permitting and monitoring process. <br />Traffic and Transportation Engineering Services <br />KOA has extensive experience in traffic and transportation engineering and has provided traffic <br />engineering services on many awarded winning projects throughout Southern California. Their <br />staff of registered professional engineers and designers has extensive knowledge of standards <br />and specifications such as the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Highway <br />Design Manual, Highway Capacity, and Standard Plans for Public Works Construction, Caltrans <br />Standard Plans and Specifications. They also have knowledge and experience in preparing <br />Caltrans Encroachment permits, PEERs, and Fact sheets. KOA services include, but are not <br />limited to traffic circulation study, vehicles miles traveled (VMT) analysis, transportation demand <br />management plans, transit and access improvement plans, parking analysis and management <br />measures, signal timing, engineering and traffic survey, collision data analysis, road safety <br />audits and systemic safety analysis, signal and left -turn warrants, signing and striping design, <br />bicycle facilities design, traffic signal, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), traffic <br />management systems (TMS), street lighting, worksite traffic control plan, and traffic signal <br />system inventory and master plan. <br />Geotechnical <br />Ninyo & Moore will provide geotechnical consulting services in preparation of environmental <br />planning documents in accordance with the guidelines of the CEQA and NEPA. Ninyo & <br />Moore's CEQA and NEPA-level evaluation will address the site geologic conditions, the <br />proposed project's impacts on the geologic environment, the potential geologic and seismic <br />hazards that may affect the project, and appropriate mitigation recommendations. Their <br />approach to this evaluation generally entails review of geotechnical background materials, <br />including topographic and geologic maps, published geotechnical literature, seismic data, <br />groundwater data, and aerial photographs; geologic site reconnaissance; evaluation of the <br />potential impacts that the project components may have on the existing geologic environment; <br />assessment of the general geologic conditions and seismic hazards affecting the area, including <br />surface fault rupture, ground shaking, liquefaction, landslides and mudflows, soil erosion, <br />subsidence, settlement, and expansion or collapse of soils, and evaluation of their potential <br />impacts on the project; compilation and geotechnical analysis of existing geotechnical data <br />pertaining to the subsurface conditions; and preparation of a Geology and Soils technical report <br />presenting findings, conclusions, and preliminary mitigation recommendations regarding the <br />various geologic constraints for the project, as well as conclusions and recommendations <br />relative to the geotechnical aspects of the project's conceptual design and construction. <br />Environmental Site Assessments <br />Ninyo & Moore will assist in conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) to <br />evaluate if recognized environmental conditions (RECs) are present on project sites. RECs are <br />basically the likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products in soil, soil vapor <br />or groundwater at the property indicative of a release. The Phase I ESAs will be prepared in <br />accordance with ASTM Phase I ESA Standard E1527-13. The Phase I ESAs are based on <br />ECORP Consulting, Inc. <br />R%: TROVWGVTAL fO\3IJL'FAN I <br />October 21, 2021 ■ 25 <br />P21-590 <br />