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COURSE NUMBER: BUS102 <br />COURSE NAME: Business Communications <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />Students will be taught effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills, learn to write effective business communications, <br />including letters,memos and email messages. This course will help the student develop an increased knowledge of key concepts <br />in customer service. Students will study customer service from a customer satisfaction perspective and learn how to provide <br />excellent customer service for the company. <br />COURSE NUMBER: BUS103 <br />COURSE NAME: Business Law <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />Students will learn the basic legal concepts of contact law. Students will learn more specialized concepts such as business <br />formation, agency law, commercial paper, secured transactions, and employment law as they relate to common business <br />activities. <br />COURSE NUMBER: BUS106 <br />COURSE NAME: Accounting II <br />PREREQUISITES: Completion of CA112 or equivalent <br />This course focuses on the study of accounting principles as they apply to partnerships and corporations. Major topics include <br />stocks and bonds, investments, cash flow statements, financial analysis, budgeting, and cost and managerial accounting. <br />COURSE NUMBER: BUS108 <br />COURSE NAME: Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />In this course, the student will learn about planning, marketing, and managing a small business. The course will teach the student <br />to analyze various theories and applications of management and address the current issues, ethical concerns, and legal <br />regulations that have an impact on small business. The student will also review the critical role that entrepreneurs play in our <br />economy. <br />COURSE NUMBER: BUS110 <br />COURSE NAME: Marketing Principles <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />The purpose of this course is to teach students to identify the marketing mix components; explain the environmental factors <br />which influence consumer and organizational decision -making processes; outline a marketing plan; and interpret marketing <br />research data to forecast industry trends and meet customer demands. <br />COURSE NUMBER: CA112 <br />COURSE NAME: Introduction to Accounting <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />This course provides an introduction to business accounting, Topics include accounting concepts and principles, financial <br />statements, internalcontrol design, and accounting for partnerships. <br />COURSE NUMBER: CYB101 <br />COURSE NAME: Securing Threats, Attacks & Vulnerabilities <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />This course is designed to help the student understand the information security landscape and will prepare them to <br />become a security professional. Gone are the simple days of protecting a system from the random individual hacker. Instead, <br />computer professionals are now combating a very organized, advanced, and powerful force that comes in many different forms, <br />from script kiddies to nation states, organized crime to hacktivists, and everything in between. Some of the topics that will be <br />covered are understand security basics, policies, procedures, physical security, perimeter security, network security, host <br />security, application security, and data security. <br />COURSE NUMBER: CYB102 <br />COURSE NAME: Advanced Security Essential & Malware <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />This course teaches the skills required to be an entry-level Cyber and Network Security Technician. Security threats are increasing <br />in number and severity and the gap between the need for security professionals and qualified Cyber personnel is the largest of <br />any IT specialty currently.Completion of this course identifies the student as a knowledgeable professional in the field of Cyber <br />Security. <br />inwrCoast collpgm School Cola log 701 Page <br />