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the same academic and enrollment status that he or <br />she held when the leave began. An academic skills <br />assessment may be applicable upon return. <br />Additionally, Concorde complies with all requirements <br />outlined in 34 C.FR,668.18 (a), (a), and (g). Students who <br />have been deployed, or are required to attend military <br />training, will be administratively withdrawn from school <br />for this leave period. The school will promptly readmit a <br />service member into the same or similar program, <br />under the same academic status and tuition at the time <br />of withdrawal; in accordance with regulation, eligibility <br />for this reinstatement is valid for up to one year from <br />return from military service, The cumulative length of <br />absence and of all previous absences from the school <br />for military service may not exceed five years. Only the <br />time the student spends actually performing service is <br />counted. An academic skills assessment may be <br />applicable upon return. <br />For further information on these statuses and how to <br />apply, please contact a member of the Student Affairs <br />department. For information on how these statuses <br />impact your Financial Aid, please contact a member of <br />the Financial Aid department. <br />Campus Safety Policy <br />Concorde is committed to providing a safe and <br />productive environment for all Concorde associates and <br />students. To help prevent incidents of violence from <br />occurring, Concorde has implemented this campus <br />safety policy. Concorde expressly prohibits any acts or <br />threats of violence by an associate, student, or former <br />associate against any other associate or student in or <br />about its facilities or clinical sites at any time. Concorde <br />does not condone any acts or threats of violence <br />against associates, students, clients, or visitors by an <br />individual on the school's premises at any time or while <br />such an individual is engaged in business with or on <br />behalf of Concorde, on or off the school's premises. In <br />keeping with the spirit and intent of this policy and to <br />ensure that the objectives In this regard are attained, <br />Concorde is committed to the following policies: <br />Providing a safe and healthy work and educational <br />environment, <br />Taking prompt remedial action up to and including <br />immediate dismissal of any associate or student <br />who engages in any threatening behavior or acts <br />of violence or uses obscene, abusive, or <br />threatening language or gestures. <br />Taking appropriate action when dealing with <br />clients, former associates or students, or visitors to <br />the school's facilities who engage In such behavior, <br />Such action may include notifying the police or <br />other law enforcement personnel and prosecuting <br />violators of this policy. <br />Prohibiting associates, former associates, students, <br />clients, and visitors from bringing unauthorized <br />firearms or other weapons onto the school's <br />premises. <br />In furtherance of this policy, associates and students <br />have a "duty to alert" their supervisors, the Campus <br />President, or Human Resources of any suspicious <br />activity, situations, or incidents that they observe or <br />know of that involve other associates, students, former <br />associates, clients, or visitors and that appear <br />problematic, This would include threats or acts of <br />violence, aggressive behavior, offensive acts, and <br />threatening or offensive comments or remarks. <br />Associate and student reports made pursuant to this <br />policy are held in confidence to the extent possible. <br />Concorde will not condone any form of retaliation <br />against any associate or student for making a report in <br />good faith under this policy. <br />Threats against individuals) and/or Concorde should <br />be immediately reported to the Campus President or <br />Human Resources at the Campus Support Center, It is <br />critical that any material relevant to the incident be <br />maintained until Human Resources decides on the <br />proper disposition. Confrontational threats while on <br />campus may be dealt with by the Campus President <br />and Human Resources. Actions may include suspension <br />(for gathering additional facts), written warning, or <br />dismissal. <br />Student Code of Conduct <br />Effective: 06/19/2020 <br />Concorde believes strongly in promoting the <br />development of personal, professional and social <br />responsibility. Concorde also believes in a humanistic <br />approach to discipline conducive to academic pursuits. <br />However. Concorde recognizes that its responsibility for <br />the protection of personal and institutional rights and <br />property is a primary focus of the disciplinary process. <br />Behavior that Infringes upon rights, safety or privileges, <br />or that impedes the educational process, Is <br />unacceptable and may lead to sanctions up to and <br />including dismissal from the school. Courteous <br />behavior and professional conduct, appropriate to a <br />business environment, is to be displayed at all times. <br />All students are expected to respect the rights of others <br />and are held responsible for conforming to the laws of <br />the federal, local, and State governments. Students are <br />expected to conduct themselves in a manner <br />consistent with the best interests of Concorde and of <br />the student body. <br />Concordds administration reserves the right to develop <br />any policy or take any action(s) deemed appropriate to <br />maintain the safety and well-being of any or all <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 2023 1 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />55 <br />