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students. Student conduct offenses may be related to <br />persons, property, campus operations, and welfare, and <br />the health or safety of students, faculty and staff. <br />Concorde reserves the right to discipline and/or <br />dismiss a student, visitor, or employee for any of the <br />following reasons: possession of firearms on campus <br />property; failure to maintain satisfactory academic <br />progress (SAP); failure to pay college fees and/or <br />tuition by applicable deadlines; disruptive behavior <br />(continued willful noncompliance, willful and persistent <br />profanity or vulgarity, open and/or persistent defiance <br />of authority, and/or persistent disrespect of personnel <br />or students).: posing a danger to the health or welfare <br />of students or other members of the campus <br />community; theft, on or off campus; any form of assault; <br />State and Federal drug law violations; electronic or <br />social media violations; or failure to comply with the <br />policies and procedures of Concorde. <br />The list of examples is not intended to be all-inclusive, <br />and Concorde reserves the right to act in the best <br />interest of the students, faculty, and staff and may <br />deem actions committed by a student to be a conduct <br />violation, although the action does not appear on a list <br />of examples. <br />Violation of the conduct policy is grounds for <br />suspension of privileges, up to and including dismissal <br />from the Institution. The Campus President reserves the <br />right to take any action(s) deemed appropriate to <br />ensure the immediate safety and well-being of any or <br />all students, faculty, and staff. <br />Students are encouraged to share personal <br />experiences white participating in classes at Concorde. <br />However, students must be aware that should they <br />disclose to any Concorde faculty members or staff <br />information that may cause harm to themselves or <br />others, faculty members and staff are required to report <br />such information to the Academic Dean, Director of <br />Student Affairs, or Campus President. <br />Every student is subject to federal and state law and <br />respective county and city ordinances. A student who is <br />convicted of any criminal offense which Interferes with <br />the orderly operation of the school or which the <br />administration feels would endanger members of the <br />Concorde community shall be subject to disciplinary <br />action. <br />Infringements of the Student Code of Conduct are <br />handled by the Concorde Academic Dean, Director of <br />Student Affairs, and Campus President. Students have <br />the right to request further review in accordance with <br />the school's "Student Complaint & Grievance Policy" as <br />outlined in this catalog. <br />Students who are dismissed for a conduct related <br />violation are not eligible for readmission Into any <br />Concorde College/Institute campus. <br />Student Code of Conduct Offenses <br />Offenses Related to Persons <br />An offense related to a person is committed when a <br />student: <br />1. Intentionatly or knowingly and without authority or <br />consent limits or restricts the freedom of a person <br />to move about in a lawful manner. <br />2, Threatens (by any means), intimidates or uses <br />physical or sexual force in a manner that <br />endangers the health or safety of another person <br />or which reasonably causes another person to be <br />fearful of physical or emotional harm. <br />3, Intentionally harasses another person. Harassment <br />includes, but is not limited to, Impeding another <br />persistently or wronging or bothering another <br />persistently. <br />4. Engages in any activity related to other persons <br />which is prohibited by law or court order. <br />Offenses Related to Prmerty <br />An offense related to property is committed when a <br />student: <br />1. Knowingly and without consent or authorization <br />possesses, removes, uses, misappropriates, or <br />sells the property or services of another person or <br />of Concorde. <br />2, Intentionally or negligently damages or destroys <br />property owned or in the possession of another <br />person or of Concorde. <br />3. Obtains the property of another person by <br />misrepresentation or deceptive means. <br />4• Enters or uses the facilities or property of another <br />person or Concorde without consent or <br />authorization. <br />5, Commits a computer -related offense, including, <br />but not limited to, use of a Concorde computer to <br />access graphically prurient or sexually explicit <br />images of persons and/or children. <br />Offenses Related to the Operation of <br />Concorde <br />An offense related to the operation of Concorde is <br />committed when a student: <br />1. Engages in illegal, obscene or indecent conduct <br />on Concorde property or at Concorde -sponsored <br />events. <br />2. Forges, alters, possesses, duplicates, or uses <br />documents, records, keys or identification without <br />consent or the authorization of appropriate <br />Concorde officials. <br />3, Fails without just cause to comply with the lawful <br />order of a Concorde official acting in the <br />performance of his/her duties and authority. <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 20231 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />56 <br />