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meaningful plan for successful completion of their <br />education or training, The school wilt also remind <br />students of the counseling services and tutorial <br />assistance benefits available through the VA. When a <br />student has failed to maintain prescribed standards of <br />progress, the VA will be informed promptly so that <br />benefit payments can be discontinued in accordance <br />with the taw. The termination date assigned by the <br />school wilt be the last day of the term or other <br />evaluation period In which the student's progress <br />became unsatisfactory. Schools that provide a period of <br />academic warning or probation may not continue to <br />certify a veteran or eligible person (who remains in an <br />unsatisfactory academic status) for an indefinite period <br />of time. The school will withdraw any student who <br />remains in an unsatisfactory academic status for more <br />than two successive periods and report the withdrawal <br />to the VA. The credit hours attempted cannot exceed <br />1,5 times the credit hours required to complete the <br />credit -hour program. <br />Copyright Infringement <br />The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of <br />copyrighted materials is prohibited. This may include <br />but is not limited to Internet file -to -file transfer, student - <br />to -student transfer, photocopies, or undisclosed use of <br />copyrighted material in essays or other works created <br />by a student. Students using copyrighted materials are <br />required to identify the source of the material and its <br />copyright in all school materials. Copyrighted materials <br />can include music, pictures, books, magazines, and <br />newspapers in all forms, including the date obtained <br />from the Internet. In addition to any civil or criminal <br />Liabilities, any unauthorized reproduction or use of <br />copyrighted materials is grounds for disciplinary action, <br />up to and including dismissal from school. Anyone <br />found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be <br />liable for Actual Damages and Profits. A copyright <br />owner is entitled to recover the actual damages <br />suffered by him or her as a result of the infringement <br />and any profits of the infringer that are attributable to <br />the infringement. Statutory damages for copyright <br />infringement range from $750 up to $30,00o for each <br />work infringed, and, if willful Infringement is proven by <br />the copyright owner, that amount may be increased up <br />to $150,00o for each work infringed. In addition, an <br />infringer of a work may also be liable for the attorney's <br />fees incurred by the copyright owner to enforce his or <br />her rights. <br />Outside Classroom Work <br />Students will find the work in each program to be <br />challenging, requiring them to maximize their time and <br />problem -solving strategies. Students demonstrate their <br />commitment to learning via work and time spent inside <br />and outside the class. In addition to the time spent in <br />class per week, students are required to spend time <br />outside of class on reading assignments, writing <br />assignments, practice and practical applications, and <br />projects or other equivalent [earning experiences to <br />help them achieve the course objectives. Specific <br />details on the outside classroom work are found in the <br />individual course syllabi, which students receive at the <br />beginning of each course, <br />Scholastic Honesty <br />Effective: 04/17/2023 <br />It is assumed that all students are enrolled in class to <br />Learn: therefore, cheating is not an acceptable practice. <br />Dishonesty of any type In a course, including cheating <br />on examinations or plagiarizing materials, can result in a <br />grade of "F and may because for suspension and/or <br />withdrawal from school. Plagiarism includes passing off <br />or attempting to pass off the ideas or writing of another <br />person or any artificial intelligence (At) as ones own. <br />Plagiarism also includes using personal papers <br />submitted for a prior class, a repeated class, or even <br />work submitted at a different Institution. <br />Students are prohibited from operating any type of <br />audio or video recording device in a classroom, <br />laboratory, or clinical setting without prior expressed <br />permission from the Campus President or Academic <br />Dean. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: <br />video cameras, telephones with audio or video <br />recording capability, computers, electronic tablets, or <br />watches with audio or video recording capability. This is <br />not an all-inclusive list. Violations of this policy may lead <br />to disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal <br />from school, <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 20231 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />78 <br />