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Program Course <br />Descriptions <br />Course Numbering System <br />Each course is identified by an alphabetic prefix. The <br />rubric begins with a series of alphabetic characters <br />representing the academic discipline. The first digit of <br />the course number denotes the academic level of the <br />course; the second digit denotes the credit value of the <br />course in semester hours; and the remaining digit(s) <br />establishes course sequencing and/or distinguishes <br />the course from others of the same level, credit value, <br />and rubric, <br />s <br />raisnic kval I, 2:... <br />tslpYll.. <br />e4•cheracter <br />elpnabstlo <br />appreNh h for the <br />/QC �i.Y used to uniquely <br />Identl the curse <br />scedemlo <br />dl line <br />Gll <br />fiYedlOft bone <br />course, expressed <br />In semester. oum <br />BIOLaioS; Anatomy & Physiology Lab <br />Credit Hours: i <br />Clock Hours: 0/30/0 <br />In this live lab, the student will learn through hands-on <br />experiments the organization of the body and the <br />anatomy/physiology of the cells, tissues and <br />membranes, and various body systems: Integumentary, <br />muscular, skeletal, nervous, sensory, circulatory, <br />cardiovascular, lymphatic, immunity, digestive, urinary, <br />and reproductive, <br />BIOLs1.30: Microbiology Lab <br />Credit Hours: 1 <br />Clock Hours: 0/30/0 <br />In this live lab, the student will learn through hands-on <br />experiments the structure and function of <br />microorganisms, methods of microbial control. In <br />addition, the specific bacterial, fungal, protozoan, viral <br />agents of human disease will be experimented and <br />viewed. <br />BIOL130e.: Anatomy & Physiology <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />Students learn the structure and function of the major <br />organ systems. This course centers on basic anatomy <br />and physiology. Anatomy and physiology are not taught <br />as an end in themselves but as a basis for the <br />comprehension of the workings of the human body in <br />health and disease. Emphasis will be placed on the <br />diseases, skeletal and muscular systems, nervous and <br />sensory systems, nutrition, and the cardiopulmonary <br />system. <br />BIOLt 310: Anatomy & Physiology <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />This course covers the organization of the body and the <br />anatomy and physiology of the cells, tissues and <br />membranes and various body systems: integumentary, <br />muscular, skeletal, nervous, sensory and endocrine. The <br />major organs of studied systems and how they rotate to <br />the overall status of the body will be discussed. <br />BIOL13zo: Anatomy & Physiology II <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />This is the second of two courses that covers the <br />organization of the body and the anatomy and <br />physiology of various body systems: circulatory, <br />cardiovascular, lymphatic, immunity, digestive, <br />respiratory, urinary, and reproductive. The major organs <br />of studied systems and how they relate to the overall <br />status of the body will be discussed, <br />BIOL1330: Microbiology <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />In this course, students learn a branch of biology <br />dealing with microscopic forms of life, They will learn <br />how microorganisms on humans can be both beneficial <br />and harmful. Students will gain insight on different <br />viruses and how they affect humans, the environment <br />and the future of genetics. <br />SIOL1350: Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />This course is focused on cardiopulmonary anatomy <br />and physiology and its Impact on the body. Students <br />study anatomic, physiologic and pharmacologic <br />concepts of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems <br />and will develop a systematic understanding of the <br />position, function and Interplay of structures within the <br />respiratory, cardiovascular and renal systems. <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 2023 1 Effective July t, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />79 <br />