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inventory records of all non-expendable personal property as defined by such policy as may be procured with funds provided herein. The SUBRECIPIENT shall report to the AUTHORITY all program assets (unexpended program income, property, equipment, etc.), and upon the AUTHORITY'S request, such assets shall revert to the AUTHORITY upon termination of this AGREEMENT. (2)Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.331 (a) (4), the Indirect Cost Rate for the SUBRECIPIENT'saward shall be an approved federally recognized cost rate negotiated between theSUBRECIPIENT and the Federal government, or, if no cost rate exists, the de minims indirectcost rate as defined in 2 CFR 200.414(b) Indirect (F & A) costs shall be used. For this agreement,the de minims indirect cost of 10% will apply.(3)Use and Reversion of-Assets. The use and disposition of equipment under thisAGREEMENT shall be in compliance with the requirements of2 CFR Part 200.( 4)Pursuant to the CARES Act, SUBRECIPIENT may deviate from applicable procurementstandards when using these funds to procure goods and services to prevent, prepare for, andrespond to coronavirns, notwithstanding 24 CFR 576.407(±) and 2 CFR 200.317-200.326.C.ReportingReporting requirements must conform to the policies and procedures as established by theAUTHORITY and 24 CFR § 576.500. The SUBRECIPIENT shall submit to the AUTHORITY,on or before the 15th day of October, January, April, and July, as part of the Quarterly Report:(I)Payment Request. An original request for reimbursement and true copies of invoices,receipts, agreements, or other documentation supporting and evidencing how theEHV Services Fee Funds have been expended during the applicable quarter.(2)Quarterly Activities and written cumulative (year-to-date) reports of activities,program accomplishments, new program information, and up -to-date programstatistics on expenditures, caseload and activities. Failure to provide any of therequired documentation and reporting will cause the AUTHORITY to withhold all ora portion of a request for reimbursement until such documentation and reporting hasbeen received and approved by the AUTHORITY.(3)Any other such reports as the AUTHORITY (or HUD) shall reasonably requireand/or request, including but not limited to the following ·information: monthly .records of all ethnic and racial statistics of persons and families benefited by theSUB RECIPIENT in the performance of its obligations under this AGREEMENT.D.Record KeepingSufficient records must be established and maintained to enable the AUTHORITY and HUD todetermine whether the EHV Services Fee requirements are being met. Record keepingrequirements must conform to the policies and procedures as established by the AUTHORITY.All accounting records, reports, all evidence pertaining to costs, expenses, and EHV Services FeeFunds of the SUBRECIPIENT, and all documents related to this AGREEMENT shall bemaintained and kept available at the SUBRECIPIENT'S office or place of business for thePage 13 <br />EXHIBIT 2