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22 GROUP 4 ARCHITECTURE TAB 2 SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SCHEDULEWe will work with the City, the Library, and our consultant team to develop a <br />comprehensive cost model to inform early decision-making about the project scope <br />and design options. We will strive to identify and include all hard costs of construction <br />(including demolition, site preparation and development, building construction, <br />sustainable design features, utility connections/upgrades as applicable, etc.); public <br />and staff FFE and shelving; technology infrastructure; graphics and signage; and <br />other real – and significant – costs associated with public projects. We will build in <br />assumptions for soft costs, permits, testing, PM/CM services (if any), and even costs <br />for moving and temporary storage as appropriate. We will also build in realistic <br />contingencies and escalation factors. <br />Task 1 Meetings and Deliverables <br /> ▪Project work task plan and schedule <br /> ▪Pre-Design summary report <br /> ▪Preliminary project cost model <br /> ▪Two (2) PMT meetings including kickoff <br /> ▪One (1) focus group with Library staff <br />TASK 2: CONCEPT DESIGN <br />Based on the City’s confirmed scope and budget established in Task 1, we will develop <br />up to three (3) conceptual design options for the Santa Ana Library renovation. We will <br />work closely with the PMT to review and refine the options for presentation to Library <br />staff and the community. Community engagement events (up to three) may include a <br />combination of open house/public meetings, pop-up surveys in community locations, <br />a digital survey, etc. <br />Using our project cost model, we will prepare a project budget for each option. We <br />will work with the PMT to analyze and evaluate the conceptual options, taking into <br />account staff and community input, to select the preferred conceptual option. <br />During this phase, Luci Creative will lead a collaborative discovery process to reimagine <br />the Children’s Library with a focus on children’s learning, flexible programming space, <br />interactive areas, museum style spaces, wall graphics, and signage to be integrated <br />holistically within the redesigned Children’s Library. <br />We will conduct a technical meeting with the City’s Planning and Building Agency to <br />confirm the preliminary code analysis and other relevant requirements relative to the <br />proposed scope of work. <br />We will refine the preferred conceptual design based on staff and community input, <br />the results of the IDW, and input from our technical meetings with City staff. We will <br />develop renderings of the exterior and interior renovations, and prepare the Concept <br />(Schematic) Design drawings. We will prepare narratives describing the building and <br />options for major systems. <br />We will meet with the Historic Resources Commission to confirm the historical project <br />requirements established in the previous phase and present preliminary exterior <br />design recommendations. At the City’s option, we also present the project to other <br />City oversight bodies (e.g., the Planning Commission) and/or City Council. <br />EXHIBIT C - PROPOSAL