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Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -49- October 2021 <br />substantial increase in noise levels above ambient conditions. Therefore, impacts would remain <br />significant and unavoidable. It should be noted that the identification of this program-level impact <br />does not preclude the finding of less-than-significant impacts for subsequent projects analyzed at <br />the project level. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />N-1 Construction contractors shall implement the following measures for construction <br />activities conducted in the City of Santa Ana. Construction plans submitted to the City <br />shall identify these measures on demolition, grading, and construction plans submitted <br />to the City: The City of Santa Ana Planning and Building Agency shall verify that <br />grading, demolition, and/or construction plans submitted to the City include these <br />notations prior to issuance of demolition, grading, and/or building permits. <br />• Construction activity is limited to the hours: Between 7 AM to 8 PM Monday through <br />Saturday, as prescribed in Municipal Code Section 18-314(e). Construction is <br />prohibited on Sundays. <br />• During the entire active construction period, equipment and trucks used for project <br />construction shall use the best-available noise control techniques (e.g., improved <br />mufflers, equipment re-design, use of intake silencers, ducts, engine enclosures, <br />and acoustically attenuating shields or shrouds), wherever feasible. <br />• Impact tools (e.g., jack hammers and hoe rams) shall be hydraulically or electrically <br />powered wherever possible. Where the use of pneumatic tools is unavoidable, an <br />exhaust muffler on the compressed air exhaust shall be used along with external <br />noise jackets on the tools. <br />• Stationary equipment, such as generators and air compressors shall be located as <br />far as feasible from nearby noise-sensitive uses. <br />• Stockpiling shall be located as far as feasible from nearby noise-sensitive <br />receptors. <br />• Construction traffic shall be limited, to the extent feasible, to approved haul routes <br />established by the City Planning and Building Agency. <br />• At least 10 days prior to the start of construction activities, a sign shall be posted <br />at the entrance(s) to the job site, clearly visible to the public, that includes permitted <br />construction days and hours, as well as the telephone numbers of the City’s and <br />contractor’s authorized representatives that are assigned to respond in the event <br />of a noise or vibration complaint. If the authorized contractor’s representative <br />receives a complaint, he/she shall investigate, take appropriate corrective action, <br />and report the action to the City. <br />• Signs shall be posted at the job site entrance(s), within the on-site construction <br />zones, and along queueing lanes (if any) to reinforce the prohibition of