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GENERAL PLAN UPDATE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />October 2021 Page 9 <br />Table 1-3 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Requirements <br />Mitigation Measure Timing <br />Responsible Implementing Party Responsible Monitoring Party <br />Document Location (Monitoring Record) <br />Completion Date <br />Responsible Monitoring Party Project Mitigation Monitor <br />• Site-specific developments with truck delivery and loading areas <br />and truck parking spaces shall include signage as a reminder to <br />limit idling of vehicles while parked for loading/unloading in <br />accordance with California Air Resources Board Rule 2845 (13 <br />CCR Chapter 10 § 2485). <br />• Provide changing/shower facilities as specified in Section <br />A5.106.4.3 of the CALGreen Code (Nonresidential Voluntary <br />Measures). <br />• Provide bicycle parking facilities per Section A4.106.9 <br />(Residential Voluntary Measures) of the CALGreen Code and <br />Sec. 41-1307.1 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />• Provide preferential parking spaces for low-emitting, fuel-efficient, <br />and carpool/van vehicles per Section A5.106.5.1 of the CALGreen <br />Code (Nonresidential Voluntary Measures). <br />• Provide facilities to support electric charging stations per Section <br />A5.106.5.3 (Nonresidential Voluntary Measures) and Section <br />A5.106.8.2 (Residential Voluntary Measures) of the CALGreen <br />Code. <br />• Applicant-provided appliances (e.g., dishwashers, refrigerators, <br />clothes washers, and dryers) shall be Energy Star–certified <br />appliances or appliances of equivalent energy efficiency. <br />Installation of Energy Star–certified or equivalent appliances shall <br />be verified by Building & Safety during plan check. <br />• Applicants for future development projects along existing and <br />planned transit routes shall coordinate with the City of Santa Ana <br />and Orange County Transit Authority to ensure that bus pad and <br />shelter improvements are incorporated, as appropriate. <br />