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Item 18 - Agreements for On -Call Right -of -Way Specialty Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/16/2021 Regular
Item 18 - Agreements for On -Call Right -of -Way Specialty Services
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4/9/2024 10:17:41 AM
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8/16/2023 5:22:56 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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14 <br />SCHEDULE, COST CONTROLS, REPORTING & QUALITY <br />Project controls are a key component to Monument's project management approach. Controls provide the <br />process and method needed to run a project and assists the Team in driving the project in an organized <br />and systematic manner. Monument's will strive to complete the City's projects ahead of schedule and under <br />budget. We will accomplish that using the following tools to manage, monitor and adapt to the ever -changing <br />environment of a project. <br />RIGHT-OF-WAY SCHEDULE <br />Daniela will prepare a right-of-way delivery schedule at the onset of the project, which will be updated and <br />tracked frequently relative to the overall project baseline schedule. The right-of-way schedule will correspond <br />to the project schedule, linking project milestones, master schedule information and project constraints to <br />the acquisition and relocation tasks and other project control tools. Other project control tools include project <br />tracking at both the relocation and acquisition level, as well as project status reports and project construction <br />need date tracking. Schedule updates will be provided to the City at least monthly, and more frequently if <br />significant milestones are achieved. A sample schedule is provided on the next page. <br />COST CONTROLS <br />Monument will prepare a detailed budget for right-of-way capital and services costs with line items for each <br />anticipated acquisition, relocation and related costs. This will serve as the baseline budget for the right-of-way <br />program and will be used for comparison of budgeted and actual expenditures. Daniela will work closely with <br />the City to assure that projected needs are programmed and appropriate reports are issued to track contract <br />commitments, actual expenses and forecast. This will include regular updates on schedule, budget, acquisition <br />and contract status to appropriate City staff. <br />PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION REPORTING <br />Daniela will prepare monthly progress reports that will present the status of the acquisition and relocation cases <br />and provide measures of progress per parcel. These monthly progress reports will be provided to the City <br />and distributed to other project team members. They will serve to track deliverables and key milestone dates <br />for each case, such as appraisal completion, offer presentations, agreement dates, escrow openings and <br />closings as well as time sensitive condemnation activities to ensure the process can successfully advance to <br />the advertisement and construction phase. <br />
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