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Item 14 - Median Landscape Maintenance Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
07/20/2021 Regular
Item 14 - Median Landscape Maintenance Services
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Last modified
8/17/2023 5:16:01 PM
Creation date
8/17/2023 5:15:35 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Following each edging, all edging debris shall be removed. <br />23.All turf growing adjacent to Irrigation hardware, tree trunks, or any other landscapeamenity shall be neatly detailed by string trimmer and/or chemicals to twelve (12) <br />inches in all directions of said objects. If chemical detailing is performed, theContractor shall use the string trimmer lo remove the treated turf within one (1) week <br />after symptoms of photo toxicity become recognizable. <br />24.Any damage, as determined by the Projects Manager or deslgnee, caused toIrrigation components, sprinklers, valves, etc., or plant material by edging equipment <br />and/or mowers shall be replaced by the Contractor at Contractor's expense. <br />25.Lawns shall befertlllzedfaur(4)timesannuallywith a "complete fertilizer". Fertilize two(2) times per year during the months of December and February using 22-3-9 at the <br />rate of five pounds (5 lbs.) per 1000 square feet or approved equivalent program. <br />During the months of June and October fertilize with 16-6-8 at the rate of six pounds <br />(6 lbs.) per 1000 square feet four (4) times per year, or approved equivalent program. <br />26.Due to the broad geographical area of the contract, the City may from time to time <br />adjust or change the fertilization specifications contained herein as a result ofconsultation with Contractor or recommendations of a horticultural soils and plant <br />laboratory report far each site. All fertilization shall be included with the landscapemaintenance of each contract area. Contractor shall supply and transport all requiredfertilizers and Include costs in the bid to the City. <br />27.Turf areas shall be deeply watered as required by weather conditions to provide <br />adequate moisture for optimum growth. At no time shall turf areas be allowed toshow a lack offresh green color or a loss of reslllence due to lack of water. <br />28.Wherever or at any time that an Irrigation system Is damaged, fails or does notadequately cover the turf area in which it Is installed, the Contractor shall furnish and <br />set out hoses and sprinklers, or other portable means, as required to uniformly water <br />the turf area. <br />29.Automatic Irrigation shall be conducted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 <br />a.m. and shall be programmed to prevent excessive runoff, ponding or over watering. <br />30.Contractor shall respond immediately to signs of turf stress. Turf lost due to stressshall be deemed contractor negligence, as determined by the Projects Manager or <br />deslgnee, and replaced at Contractor's expense. <br />31.Contractor shall develop and maintain a program to ensure that all turf is maintainedfree of fungus, insect Infestations and/or turf diseases at all times. <br />32.Damaged and/or bare spots in turf shall be Immediately repaired at the time of <br />detection. <br />33.The tree guards shall be maintained in place around the trunk of each canopy tree al <br />all times to eliminate tree damage by string trimmers, mowers, etc. Trees damaged <br />by Contractor shall be immediately replaced at Contractor's expense. <br />34.Each year, all turf areas shall be over seeded with Eagle Blend or equivalentperennial rye grass at the minimum rate of seven (7} pounds per 1,000 square feet. <br />Seed shall be uniformly broadcast, with care taken to not broadcast in non-turf area. <br />Oe!hatchlng and/or deep scalping of the turf may be required as directed by the <br />Projects Manager or deslgnee. Seeds shall be guaranteed free of disease, pests, or <br />other foreign grasses or weeds.
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