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Item 14 - Median Landscape Maintenance Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
07/20/2021 Regular
Item 14 - Median Landscape Maintenance Services
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Last modified
8/17/2023 5:16:01 PM
Creation date
8/17/2023 5:15:35 PM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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35.The Contractor shall apply an approved pre-emergent herbicide to all turf areas a <br />minimum of one (1) time per year and/or as directed by the Projects Manager ordeslgnee for control of ll!] types of weeds. At no time shall weeds be allowed to <br />remain In turf areas. <br />36.Contractor shall flag all Irrigation sprinklers prior to commencement of work <br />complete. <br />37.Damage because of rodent activity shall be repaired at Contractor's expense. <br />38.The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete removal and replacement ofground cover lost due to normal attrttion or to Contractor's faulty maintenance or <br />negligence, as determined by the Projects Manager or designee, at no additional <br />cost to the City. <br />39.Where ground cover grows under pine trees, the Contractor shall use a combination <br />of techniques (raking and blowing) to prevent the build-up ofnaedles from formingon the ground cover. <br />40.Ground cover plants shall be added, as needed, to ensure a solid mass planting inconformance with the original Intent at no cost to the City. <br />41.Contraotor shall remove dead shrubs and backfill to existing grade with imported soil <br />as necessary to maintain a consistent finished grade. Sinkholes will not beacceptable as It represents a liability to the City. Replacements of shrubs will beapproved by Projects Manager or designee. <br />42.Wall vines adjacent to and coming from City landscapes are a part of themaintenance of this contract. Wall vines shall be kept trimmed approximately four <br />(4)Inches from the wall and eight (8) inches below the top of the wall. Where wall <br />vines have been allowed to grow over the top of the wall, the Contractor shall keepwall vines trimmed down to the top of the wall. Wall vines may require trimming two <br />or more times per month during the growing season. <br />43.All shrubs growing in tho work areas shall be pruned as required, to maintain plants ina healthy growing condttlon and to maintain plant growth within reasonable bounds <br />to prevent encroachment of passage ways, walks, streets, view of signs or in any <br />manner deemed objectionable by the Projects Manager or deslgnee. Dead ordamaged limbs or branches shall be cleaned out and removed with sharp pruning <br />tools with no projections or stubs remaining. Pruning shall be done In a manner topermit plants to grow naturally in accordance with their normal growth characteristics <br />except box hedging may be required on some shrubs, as designated by the ProjectsManager or deslgnee. Shear hedging or severe pruning of plants, unless authorized <br />by the Projects Manager or deslgnee, shall not be permitted. Should the Contractorshear hedges or severely prune plants and disfigure or damage the plants, the <br />contractor shall be responsible for replacing those plants with like kind and size asdetermined by the Projects Manager or designee. The Contractor may be requested <br />from time to time to raise the bottom or lower the tops of the shrubs for securityreasons. This shall be considered routine maintenance and performed at no extra <br />cost to the City. <br />44.Shrubs shall be thinned and pruned, separated and/or relocated for the health of theplanting and the appearance of the site, and at such other times when directed by the <br />City. Infill planting of bare shrub areas shall be replanted In the months of Marchthrough June with plant material of the same species one time per year as partof routine maintenance at no additional cost to the City.
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