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45.All shrubs shall be properly irrigated to maintain a healthy condition. Shrub areas shall be <br />deeply watered as required by weather conditions to provide adequate moisture foroptimum growth. At no time shrub areas shall be allowed to show a lack of fresh green <br />color or a loss of resilience due to lack of water. <br />46.Wherever or at any time that an irrigation system Is damaged, falls or does not adequatelycover the shrub area In which it is installed, the Contractor shall furnish and set out hoses <br />and sprinklers, or other portable means, as required to uniformly water the shrub. <br />47.Contractor shall respond Immediately to signs of plant stress. Plant material lost due tostress shall be deemed Contractor negligence, as determined by the Projects Manager or <br />designee, and replaced at Contractor's expense. <br />48.The Contractor shall be responsible for !he complete removal and replacement of shrubslost due to normal attrition or due to Contractor's faulty maintenance or negligence, as <br />determined by the Projects Manager or designee, at no additional cost to the City. <br />49.All bare soil or open areas shall be either cultivated weekly or covered by a minimum oftwo (2) Inches of mulch. All mulch material shall be of a recycled product free from foreign <br />grasses and weeds and shall be approved by the City. At no time shall weeds be allowedto remain in bare or planted areas. <br />50.Shrubs shall be pruned as required to ensure clear vehicular and pedestrian visibility andclearance. Remove broken or diseased branches and provide general containment andgood appearance. <br />51.Plant material encroaching onto or from City property shall be trimmed back to propertyline at City's discretion depending on circumstance, i.e. plants growing over fences and <br />sidewalks from private property adjacent to contracted areas shall be trimmed back to the <br />property line. <br />52.Prune shrubs to retain as much of the natural informal appearance as possible, consistent <br />with intended use, i.e. vines not growing into other plants, etc. Coordinate with Projects <br />Manager or designee. <br />53.Continuously remove any spent blossoms or dead flower stocks, as required, to present a <br />neat, clean appearance. <br />54.Plants growing over curbing and/or sidewalks shall be maintained even with the edge ofthe sidewalk or curb and be trimmed on a natural taper rather than vertical, so as not to <br />appear to be hedged. <br />55.Ailing or stunted shrubs shall be removed at time of discovery and replaced In kind within <br />five (5) working days. Shrubs requiring additional nutrients to correct deficiencies shall <br />receive such nutrients within three (3) working days of discovery. Contractor shall replaceshrub failure that is determined to be due to Contractor's neglect or improper treatment at <br />his expense. <br />IV.RIGHT OF WAY CREW <br />1.Provide a crew size as follows: <br />3-person crew = 1 Leadworker+2 Laborers