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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />A-16 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br />Sanitation District of Los Angeles County On-Call, Los Angeles County, CA <br />Program Manager. Mike was responsible for coordination with Los Angeles County Sanitation District project <br />managers, contractors, regulatory agencies, and oversight for CEQA compliance, biological surveys, and mitigation <br />monitoring. The project involved numerous sites located within the District’s 800-square mile service area. The District <br />required biological/environmental support to construct, operate and maintain facilities to convey, treat, recycle, and <br />dispose of sewage and industrial wastes and generate recycled water, electrical power, and biosolids as part of the <br />treatment process. <br />Operations & Maintenance, Major Projects, and Restoration Master Service Agreements (MSA), San <br />Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) San Diego County, CA <br />Contract Administrator. Chambers Group manages several MSAs with SDG&E (one of 5 prime MSA holders), including <br />an Environmental Project Management MSA, Environmental Compliance MSA, and Post Construction Compliance MSA. <br />MSA Projects include Substation Construction, Substation Expansion, Transmission and Distribution Line Construction <br />and Replacement, Underground Transmission Construction, Pole Replacements, Reconductor Projects, Transmission <br />Reclamation, Habitat Restoration, Telecommunication Construction, Gas Pipeline, and Zinc Ribbon Installation. As part <br />of these contracts we have placed in-house team members to act as an extension of staff for cultural resources, CEQA <br />compliance, and GIS services. <br />For a decade, Chambers Group has provided SDG&E with our team of professionals in Biological Resources, Aquatic <br />Resources, Land Planning, Cultural Resources, Paleontological Resources, and Native American Services. Chambers <br />Group provides environmental services at all stages of projects, from (A) Prior to Construction: initial site assessments <br />and evaluations, site walks with the engineering team to identify constraints for avoidance, modify work areas to avoid <br />sensitive biological, aquatic, riparian, wetland, and cultural resources (in an effort to minimize costly back-end <br />mitigation), provide risk assessment and evaluations, provide CEQA/NEPA documents, develop permitting strategies, <br />identify mitigation opportunities, and provide agency consultation/coordination; (B) During Construction: mitigation <br />measure implementation, permit measure and compliance tracking/documentation, environmental trainings, tailboard <br />meetings, compliance monitoring and reporting; and (C) Post Construction: post construction impact assessments, <br />habitat restoration/enhancement implementation and monitoring, and close out documentation. Chambers Group also <br />provides GIS services in support of tower sighting, access road locations, project reroutes, right of way (ROW) support, <br />parcel maps, map books, shape files, and data dictionaries. <br />The Chambers Group team provides constraints analysis for all project component features in an effort to design <br />projects in a way to avoid sensitive resources that may require permits (Incidental Take Permits, United States Fish and <br />Wildlife Service (USFWS) Section 7/10, United States Army Corps of Engineers/Regional Water Quality Control Board/ <br />California Department of Fish and Wildlife (USACE/RWQCB/CDFW) and costly mitigation. We have implemented unique <br />resolutions including the use of drones (in-house FAA pilot license) to assess hydrological connectivity, habitat quality, <br />vegetation assessments, and nesting bird status. We have provided wetland and water delineations for over 20+ <br />transmission and distribution lines, and have prepared permit applications (USACE, RWQCB, CDFW) for 12 major <br />transmission and distribution lines. We completed year 1 restoration activities (Tamarisk and other non-native species <br />removal) in 2 creeks (Meyers and Devils) for the Sunrise Powerlink Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Mitigation Project in <br />October 2020. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 2