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<br /> 2 <br />content, or create any GHULYDWLYH ZRUNV RI WKH LLFHQVHG CRQWHQW. ³PURJUDP DRFXPHQWDWLRQ´ VKDOO PHDQ DOO <br />user guides, training, and implementation material, and Service descriptions provided by NEOGOV to <br />Customer in connection with the Services. NEOGOV hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non- <br />sublicensable, non-transferable license to use, print, and distribute internally via non-public platforms, the <br />Program Documentation during the Term solely for Customer's internal business purposes in connection with <br />its use of the Services. <br /> <br />3. PURIHVVLRQDO SHUYLFHV. ³PURIHVVLRQDO SHUYLFHV´ VKDOO PHDQ FRQVXOWLQJ, WUDLQLQJ VHUYLFHV SXUFKDVHG E\ CXVWRPHU LQ <br />an applicable Ordering Document or NEOGOV Scope of Work (SOW) relating to assistance, training, deployment, <br />usage, customizations, accessory data processing, and best practices of and concerning the SaaS Applications. <br />NEOGOV shall provide the Professional Services purchased in the applicable Order Form or SOW, as the case <br />may be. Professional Services may be ordered by Customer pursuant to a SOW and Service Specifications <br />describing the work to be performed, fees, and any applicable milestones, dependencies, and other technical <br />specifications or related information. Order Forms or SOWs must be signed by both parties before NEOGOV shall <br />commence work. If the parties do not execute a separate Statement of Work, the Services shall be provided as <br />stated on the Order Form and this Agreement and documents incorporated herein shall control. <br /> <br />4. Payment Terms. Unless otherwise stated in an Ordering Document, Customer shall pay all Subscription fees <br />(³SXEVFULSWLRQ FHHV´) DQG PURIHVVLRQDO SHUYLFH IHHV (³PURIHVVLRQDO SHUYLFH FHHV´, FROOHFWLYHO\ WKH ³FHHV´) ZLWKLQ <br />WKLUW\ (30) GD\V RI CXVWRPHU¶V UHFHLSW RI NEOGOV¶V LQYRLFH. FHHV VKDOO EH LQYRLFHG DQQXDOO\ in advance and in a <br />VLQJOH LQYRLFH IRU HDFK THUP. IQYRLFHV VKDOO EH GHOLYHUHG WR WKH VWDWHG ³BLOO TR´ SDUW\ RQ WKH OUGHULQJ DRFXPHQW. <br />Unless explicitly provided otherwise, once placed the Ordering Document is non-cancellable and sums paid <br />nonrefundable. SuEVFULSWLRQ FHHV DUH EDVHG XSRQ WKH CXVWRPHU¶V HPSOR\HH FRXQW. CXVWRPHU VKDOO QRW H[FHHG <br />the employee amount its Subscription Fees are based off of unless applicable supplemental Subscription Fees are <br />paid. The Term for the Services is a continuous and non-divisible commitment for the full duration regardless of <br />any invoice schedule. The purchase of any Service is separate from any other order for any other Service. <br />Customer may purchase certain Services independently of other Services. Your obligation to pay for any Service <br />is not contingent on performance of any other Service or delivery of any other Service. If Customer issues a <br />purchase order, then it shall be for the full amount set forth in the applicable NEOGOV invoice or Ordering <br />Document. Failure to provide NEOGOV with a corresponding purchase order shall not relieve Customer of its <br />payment obligations. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Ordering Document, NEOGOV may change the <br />charges for the Services with effect from the start of each Renewal Term by giving Customer at least thirty (30) <br />day notice prior to commencement of a Renewal Term. Customer will pay all taxes, duties and levies imposed by <br />all federal, state, and local authorities (including, without limitation, export, sales, use, excise, and value-added <br />taxes) based on the transactions or payments under this Agreement, except those taxes imposed or based on <br />NEOGOV¶V QHW LQFRPH RU WKRVH H[HPSW E\ DSSOLFDEOH VWDWH ODZ. CXVWRPHU VKDOO SURYLGH NEOGOV ZLWK D FHUWLILFDWH <br />or other evidence RI VXFK H[HPSWLRQ ZLWK WHQ (10) GD\V RI NEOGOV¶V UHTXHVW WKHUHIRU. <br /> <br />5. Term and Termination. <br /> <br />a) Term. Unless otherwise specified in an applicable Ordering Document, this Agreement shall commence on <br />the Effective Date. This Agreement shall remain in effect until all SaaS Subscriptions have expired and/or both <br />parties have achieved full performance of Professional Services or other services detailed in a SOW, unless <br />it is terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement. <br /> <br />b) Termination for Cause; Effect of Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement immediately if the <br />other is in material breach of this Agreement and such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days following <br />non-EUHDFKLQJ SDUW\¶V ZULWWHQ VSHFLILFDtion of the breach. NEOGOV may suspend the Services or terminate <br />WKLV AJUHHPHQW LPPHGLDWHO\ LQ WKH HYHQW WKH SHUYLFHV RU CXVWRPHU¶V XVH RI WKH SHUYLFHV SURYLGHG KHUHXQGHU <br />become illegal or contrary to any applicable law, rule, regulation, or public policy. Upon expiration or any <br />termination of this Agreement, Customer shall cease all use and refrain from all further use of the Services <br />and other NEOGOV intellectual property. Additionally, Customer shall be obligated to pay, as of the effective <br />date of such expiration or termination, all amounts due and unpaid to NEOGOV under this Agreement. Unless <br />otherwise specified, after expiration or termination of this Agreement NEOGOV may remove Customer Data <br />from NEOGOV Services and without Customer consent or notice. <br /> <br />6. SHUYLFH SSHFLILFDWLRQV. ³SHUYLFH SSHFLILFDWLRQV´ PHDQV PURJUDP DRFXPHQWDWLRQ, SHUYLFH SFKHGXOHV, SHFXULW\ <br />Statements, and Service Level Warranties if applicable. The Service Specifications describe and govern the <br />Services and are incorporated herein by reference. Online Service Specifications may be made available at <br /> or provided upon Customer request. Excluding Service Schedules, <br />NEOGOV may update the Service Specifications to reflect changes in, among other things, laws, regulations,