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<br /> <br /> <br />Housing Authority of the City of Santa Ana <br />Request for Proposals for Case Management Services <br />Page 7 <br />1. Cover Letter: A letter signed by a principal or authorized representative who can make legally binding <br />commitments for the entity. <br />2. Organizational Background: A brief description of the contractor’s firm, including the year the firm was <br />established, type of organization (partnership, corporation, etc.), and a statement of the firm’s <br />qualifications for performing the subject services. <br />3. Scope of Services: Include a detailed description on how services will be provided to meet the <br />requirements of Exhibit A – Scope of Services. Identify any resources expected to be provided by the <br />Housing Authority, including their roles and responsibilities. The Scope of Services should link directly <br />to your fee schedule and be easily understandable relative to your fee schedule. <br />4. Firm or Personnel Experience: A profile of the firm’s experience, personnel and history relating to the <br />scope of work identified in Exhibit A – Scope of Services. Include a description of the company profile, <br />including range of the firm’s capabilities and service. In addition, provide the names of all personnel who <br />will be assigned to this project, their education and previous experience. <br />5. Relevant Experience: List of the Public Housing Authorities that your firm or personnel have provided <br />case management services within the last five (5) years. Information should include project description, <br />year service was provided, client name, along with a person to contact and their telephone number. <br />6. Sub consultants: Identification is required of any contemplated sub consultants to be used, with the <br />identification of personnel to be assigned, their qualifications, education, and representative experience. <br />7. References: The Contractor shall submit a list of at least three references comprised of a listing of work <br />similar to that identified in the RFP. <br />8. Fee Schedule: The fee schedule shall include the hourly rates for each personnel category to be used <br />on the project and/or fee for each type of service. Personnel hourly rates shall reflect all costs for office <br />overhead, including phones, cellular phones, vehicles, mileage and other direct and indirect costs. This <br />fee schedule shall reflect all anticipated fee increases such as (but not limited to): Equipment purchases <br />or subscription costs, internet and data support costs, ongoing support costs, professional <br />training/certified costs for continued education/training, etc. In addition, the fee schedule should include <br />any optional services. <br /> <br />2) EXHIBIT B – PROPOSERS STATEMENT AND PROPOSAL ITEM PRICING <br /> <br />3) EXHIBIT C – ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT FOR COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY <br />(NOT REQUIRED UNTIL AFTER CONTRACTOR SELECTION) <br /> <br />4) EXHIBIT D – REFERENCES AND RELEVANT WORK HISTORY (PAST 5 YEARS) <br /> <br />5) EXHIBIT E – PROPOSAL CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT – PROPOSERS STATEMENT <br /> <br />6) EXHIBIT F – PROPOSAL CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT – CERTIFICATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION <br />BY CONTRACTOR <br /> <br />7) EXHIBIT G – NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT <br /> <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 1