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<br /> 10 <br /> <br />The rapid response team includes the local board, Employment Development Department, and <br />other educational and community-based organization staff. Local board staff are responsible for <br />making initial and follow-up contact with employers and coordinating with partner agencies to <br />organize rapid response events. The three regional boards coordinate rapid response events <br />when a large regional employer has notified them of a mass layoff that affects residents <br />throughout Orange County. The board rapid response teams convene regularly and have <br />developed a common rapid response presentation that ensures the boards’ teams deliver a <br />consistent message throughout the county. The boards’ rapid response teams also participate <br />in the Southern California Rapid Response Roundtable meetings. <br /> <br />Local boards also assist businesses that are at risk of laying off employees with layoff aversion <br />services. The boards receive businesses’ referrals and use the Econovue system to identify at- <br />risk companies for targeted layoff aversion services. Rapid response and layoff aversion services <br />include: <br />• Online or on-site outplacement services for affected workers <br />• Coordination with Employment Development Department on Trade Adjustment <br />Assistance and Work Sharing programs <br />• Customized training or Incumbent worker training <br />• Conducting individual needs assessment of companies “business retention” needs <br />• Assistance with securing tax credits, incentives, and cost containment programs <br />• Coordination of utility and technology services <br />• Assistance in accessing public financing programs (local, state, and federal) and Industrial <br />Development Bonds <br />• Identification of traditional financing opportunities <br />• Assistance with obtaining Employment and Training Panel (ETP) funding to assist in <br />upgrading the skills of existing workers <br />• Coordinating with educational and job training institutions to satisfy the precise skills <br />needs of one or more businesses <br />Outplacement services for workers that have been affected by a layoff are provided to workers. <br />Affected workers are made aware of these services through online and on-site rapid response <br />events. The rapid response teams support laid-off workers in quickly accessing resources such <br />as unemployment, health insurance, and rollovers for retirement plans. Also, laid-off workers <br />are provided information on WIOA funded career and training services. <br /> <br />2CIV. A description and assessment of the type and availability of adult and <br />dislocated worker employment and training activities in the Local Area. This <br />includes how the Local Board will ensure that priority for adult career and training <br />EXHIBIT 1A