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<br />PROPOSAL STANDARD AVENUE PROTECTED BIKE LANES <br />3RD TO WARNER <br />City of Santa Ana <br />CENTRAL CITY MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS <br />Sacramento <br />Mark Thomas is preparing the PS&E for the Central City Mobility Project <br />in the City of Sacramento. The project will reduce vehicle travel lanes on <br />5th Street and I Street to create two-way travel lanes for vehicles and <br />bicycles with the installation of bike lanes. It also includes roadway space <br />reassignments on 9th Street from L to R Street, 10th Street from Q Street <br />to Broadway, P and Q Street from 15th to 21st Street, and 19th and 21st <br />from I Street to T Street to add to the parking protected bikeway network <br />throughout the grid. It will also include 13 signal modifications, pavement <br />microseal and spot digouts, ADA upgrades, modifications to the US 50/5th <br />Street Interchange to convert to two-way traffic, and modifications to the I <br />Street/UPRR at-grade crossing. <br />CLIENT <br />City of Sacramento <br />REFERENCE <br />Elizabeth Weeks <br />(916) 808-7035 <br />eweeks@cityofsacramento. <br />org <br />PERIOD OF <br />PERFORMANCE <br />2018-Ongoing <br />KEY FEATURESThe project is funded through Senate Bill 1 Local Partnership Program <br />(LPP) funds. As a result, the project has been under an aggressive project <br />development schedule. PS&E was completed for 70 city blocks (5.5 miles) <br />within 18 months. This includes extensive coordination with UPRR for at- <br />grade crossing approvals, Caltrans approvals for work at the US-50/5th <br />Street interchange, City Parking Department for changes in parking, and <br />Sacramento Regional Transit District for bus stop relocations. <br />• Pavement Rehabilitation <br />• Drainage Design <br />• ADA Upgrades <br />•Public Engagement <br />Mark Thomas has also conduct community engagement meetings to inform the public of the proposed <br />improvements. Due to the downtown location, a community workshop was held at City Hall. The project was <br />presented to the community at the workshop and input was sought. This input was incorporated into the <br />design to enhance the project. <br />LEGEND <br />CURRENT BIKEWAY PROJECTS <br />CURRENT 2-WAY CONVERSIONS <br />EXISTING BIKEWAYSC ST <br />INTERSTATE <br />5 BROADWAY COMPLETE STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br />MIDTOWN UNDERCROSSING IMPROVEMENTSBUSINESS <br />LOOP80 <br />I ST 2-WAY <br />CONVERSION BIKEWAY <br />ENHANCEMENTSC ST <br />IMPROVED STREET <br />CROSSINGH ST LANE REDUCTION <br />PEDESTRIAN <br />ENHANCEMENTS <br />N ST Several undercrossings lack on-street delineation for bicycles, however additional space <br />within the roadway is available. Undercrossing will be evaluated to include Class II or <br />Bu˜ered Class II bike lanes. <br />1 <br />Connector street improvements include updated signing and striping, improved <br />crosswalks, accessibility improvements, and potential signal improvements to improve <br />operations for all users. <br />2 <br />Several locations will close gaps creating a connected bicycle and pedestrian network, <br />improving access to residences, business centers, and regional transportation.3 <br />Improvements for undercrossing with access to the State facilities need to balance the <br />needs of non-motorized modes of travel as well as vehicle operations. Special <br />consideration was given to the 5th Street undercrossing to improve tra›c signal <br />equipment and timing to optimize operations and safety of bicycles and pedestrians. <br />43 <br />4 EXAMPLE UNDERCROSSING IMPROVEMENTS <br />50 IMPROVED PEDESTRIANCROSSINGS NEW SOUTHBOUNDTRAVEL LANE <br />11’2 8’6.5’11’11’6.5’8’ <br />1 SIDEWALK SIDEWALKX ST <br />T ST <br />V ST <br />NEW <br />BIKE LANES 5TH STREET UNDERCROSSING AT US-50 <br />17