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DOWDALL LAW OFFICES <br />A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />City of Santa Ana <br />August 28, 2023 <br />Page 6 <br />However, under pressure to fight rising rents, state lawmakers in Illinois, Oregon, and <br />California are considering repealing laws that limit cities' abilities to pass or expand rent <br />control. While rules and regulations of rent control vary from place to place, most rent control <br />consists of caps on price increases within the duration of a tenancy, and sometimes beyond the <br />duration of a tenancy, as well as restrictions on eviction. <br />According to Brookings, current research examining how rent control affects tenants and <br />housing markets offers empirical insight (not dogmatic rhetoric) into how rent control affects <br />markets. While rent control appears to help current tenants in the short run, in the long run it has <br />proven to decrease affordability, fuel gentrification, and create negative spillovers on the <br />surrounding neighborhoods. <br />Moreover, a substantial body of economic research has used theoretical arguments to <br />highlight the potential negative efficiency consequences to keeping rents below market rates, <br />going back to Friedman and Stigler (1946). <br />— They argued that a cap on rents would lead landlords to sell their rental properties to <br />owner occupants so that landlords could still earn the market price for their real estate. <br />— Rent control can also lead to "mis-match" between tenants and rental units. Once a <br />tenant has secured a rent -controlled apartment, he may not choose to move in the future and give <br />up his rent control, even if his housing needs change (Suen 1980, Glaeser and Luttmer 2003, <br />Sims 2011, Bulow and Klemperer 2012). <br />— This mis-allocation can lead to empty -nest households living in family -sized <br />apartments and young families crammed into small studios, clearly an inefficient allocation. <br />— Similarly, if rental rates are below market rates, renters may choose to consume <br />excessive quantities of housing (Olsen 1972, Gyourko and Linneman 1989). <br />— Rent control can also lead to decay of the rental housing stock; landlords may not <br />invest in maintenance because they can't recoup these investment by raising rents. (Downs 1988, <br />Sims 2007). <br />Against the background of these arguments emerges newly -available housing -market <br />data spanning periods of dramatic change in rent control laws in Cambridge, Massachusetts and <br />in San Francisco, California have allowed economists to examine these questions empirically. <br />The Empirical Data Equally Apply to Santa Ana and Impeaches Each Recital in the <br />Santa Ana Proposal: <br />Diamond, McQuade, and Qian (2018) (DMQ) examine the consequences of an expansion <br />of rent control on renters, landlords, and the housing market that resulted from a unique 1994 <br />local San Francisco ballot initiative. In 1979, San Francisco imposed rent control on all standing <br />