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submitting Proposals. The replacement Proposal shall clearly indicate that it supersedes the prior <br />Proposal. <br />After the close of the RFP Period, an erroneous Proposal may not be replaced or modified; but the <br />PROPOSER may request the CITY release the PROPOSER due to an error in the Proposal. The <br />CITY may release the PROPOSER if the integrity of the Proposal process is not jeopardized, the <br />error was a result of excusable neglect, and the PROPOSER is not advantaged. If the CITY releases <br />the PROPOSER, the Proposal will be deemed rejected and the PROPOSER shall be prohibited <br />from performing all or any portion of the Video Wall installation project. <br />A PROPOSER'S error in adding numerical items contained in the Proposal shall not constitute a <br />material error. Rather, the CITY will rely upon the amount assigned to each item of the Proposal. <br />G. PROTESTS <br />PROPOSERS with concerns or rebuttal of any staff determination of non -responsiveness or non - <br />responsibility may submit, in writing within five (5) business days, to the RFP Administrator, any <br />concerns regarding the RFP process or staff determination. Such writing shall be considered by <br />the City Manager or his designated representative, and may be acted upon within five (5) business <br />days. If no action is taken within such time, there shall be no change to the staff determination. <br />The exercise by PROPOSER of its right to submit written concerns shall be a condition precedent <br />to seeking judicial review of any award of a contract hereunder. <br />IV. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS <br />A. GENERAL <br />ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL: Proposers are required to submit all elements identified in <br />section IV. B. Proposal Contents via the PlanetBids website. The City is not responsible <br />for any technical difficulties, such as unavailable internet connection, website failure, etc... <br />It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that any proposal submitted has been <br />uploaded to PlanetBids prior to this proposal due date and time. <br />2. DEADLINE: Proposals are due at the date, time set forth above in the Notice Inviting <br />Proposals. <br />B. PROPOSAL CONTENTS <br />A responsive proposal shall contain the following documentation: <br />COVER LETTER: Proposals shall include a letter with contract information of the <br />individual that can respond to questions related to the proposal (name, phone number, <br />email) and identify a principal or authorized representative who can make legally binding <br />commitments for the entity. Letter should be signed by the principal or authorized <br />representative identified in the letter. Include type of business entity. <br />2. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Proposals shall include a listing, by page number and all other <br />contents of the Proposal. <br />STATEMENT OF OUALIFICATIONS & REFERENCES <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 19-093 <br />Page 8 <br />