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0 <br />rt <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />N <br />Topic 0 <br />w <br />ENF.2 <br />Enforcement Stings. Target enforcement efforts against unsafe behavior by roadway users, <br />LAPD, Council Offices <br />1.1 <br />Enforcement <br />especially in school and commercial loading zones. Publicize the stings to encourage healthy <br />interaction among all roadway users. <br />ENF.3 <br />Local Truck Use. Target enforcement efforts against truck use on local streets where cut- <br />DOT, LAPD, Council Offices <br />1.8 <br />Enforcement <br />through traffic has been expressly forbidden. <br />ENF.4 <br />Speed Limit Enforcement. Execute speed limit enforcement checks 48 hours prior to <br />LAPD, DOT <br />1.4 <br />Enforcement <br />calculating prevailing speeds in Engineering and Traffic Surveys used for adjusting speed <br />limits. <br />ENF.5 <br />Truck Inspection Areas. Develop a Truck Inspection Program in coordination with Highway <br />DOT, POLA, LAPD <br />2.8, 4.12 <br />Enforcement <br />Patrol and Port of Los Angeles. <br />ENF.6 <br />Enforcement Program. Utilize LAPD and LADOT Traffic Officers to identify bicycle lane <br />LAPD, DOT, DPW <br />1.1 <br />Enforcement <br />parking violations and issue citations. <br />ENGA <br />ATSAC. Continue to implement and update as needed the City's signal management program <br />DOT <br />4.11, 4.2 <br />Engineering <br />(ATSAC) to monitor and manage the traffic flows. <br />ENG.2 <br />Bicycle -Sensitive Detectors. Continue to install bicycle sensitive detectors at all actuated <br />DOT <br />2.6, 1.2 <br />Engineering <br />signal controlled intersections, including pavement markings for bicyclists. <br />ENG.3 <br />Transit Enhanced Network. Collaborate with transit providers to implement the TEN, an <br />DOT, DCP, Metro, Mayor's Office, Council <br />2.5 <br />Engineering <br />approximately 300 mile network ofroadway improvements to provide a frequent and reliable <br />Offices <br />bus system that interfaces and supports the fixed -transit lines. <br />ENGA <br />Bridge Design Program. Incorporate bicycle and pedestrian facilities when designing new or <br />DOT, BOE <br />2.12 <br />Engineering <br />retrofitting bridges. Particular attention to bridge underpasses that cross existing or future <br />bicycle/walking paths to ensure design integration. <br />ENG.5 <br />Caltrans Design. Work with Caltrans to develop and implement design improvements to <br />DOT, Caltrans <br />1.1, 1.4, 2.2 <br />Engineering <br />freeway entrances and exit ramps to transition motorists from freeways speeds to an urban <br />environment that includes vulnerable roadway users. <br />ENG.6 <br />Bicycle Enhanced Network. Create and maintain an interconnected bicycle network of 150 <br />DOT, DCP, Council Offices <br />1.4, 2.6, <br />Engineering <br />miles of bicycle paths and 300 miles of protected bicycle lanes to provide a regional low- <br />4.14 <br />stress bicycle system. <br />ENG.7 <br />Flexible Installation Standards. Use engineering judgement and the approval of the City <br />DOT, City Attorney, Caltrans, BOE, BSS, <br />1.4, 2.1, 2.2 <br />Engineering <br />transportation engineer or designee, in lieu of warrants, to install facilities that will improve <br />BSL <br />safety and comfort for bicyclists and pedestrians. <br />ENG.8 <br />Grade Crossing Elimination. Work with Southern California Regional Railroad Association <br />BOE, Port of LA, DOT, FRA, FTA, FHWA, <br />1.5 <br />Engineering <br />(Metrolink) as well as with freight rail operators to eliminate rail/ street at -grade crossings on <br />CPUC, Metro, Expo Authority, City <br />regional passenger rail and freight lines. <br />Attorney, Railroad Owners and Operators. <br />Appendix A <br />