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SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. PROGRAM Department. Policy Topic <br />ENG.9 <br />Green Alleys Program. Continue the Green Alleys program to introduce low -impact <br />BOS, DOT, LASAN, Council Offices <br />5.5, 2.3, <br />Engineering <br />development stormwater features and improve the overall quality and safety of <br />1.2, 1.7 <br />neighborhood alleys. <br />ENG.10 <br />Industrial Street Infrastructure. Provide adequate street infrastructure in established <br />DOT, DCP, BOE <br />1.7,1.8, 2.8 <br />Engineering <br />industrial areas; revise geometric design standards for intersections in/around industrial <br />areas with high truck volumes. <br />ENG.11 <br />Manual of Policies and Procedures. Update LADOT Manual of Policies and Procedures to <br />BOE, DOT, DCP, LASAN <br />2.2,1.4,1.2 <br />Engineering <br />incorporate innovative engineering standards and traffic control devices (for all modes of <br />transportation) included in the City's Complete Street Design Guide. Regularly update both <br />manuals as new standards and devices are adopted by the California Traffic Control Devices <br />Committee in the MUTCD and/or the CA Highway Esign Manual and/or Federal Highway <br />Administration. <br />ENG.12 <br />Complete Street Design Guide (CSDG). Utilize the CSDG to guide decisions about specific <br />DCP, BOE, DOT, LASAN, LAPD, LAFD <br />2.2 <br />Engineering <br />complete street enhancements and potential cross-section designs of streets on the BEN, <br />Bicycle Lane, TEN, PED, and VEN networks. <br />ENG.13. <br />Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Slow Zones. Establish a procactive neighborhood traffic <br />DOT, DCP, CLA, LAPD, Council Offices <br />1.4, 2.4, <br />Engineering <br />management program and institute "slow zones" in targeted areas. Support and advocate for <br />3.1, 3.2 <br />20 new zones. <br />ENG.14 <br />Neighborhood Enhanced Network. Implement the NEN, an approximately 800 mile system <br />DOT, DCP, LASAN, Council Offices <br />2.4, 3.1, 3.2 <br />Engineering <br />of collector and local streets designed to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle activity. A subset <br />of this network has been priortized to fill gaps in the protected bicycle lane system defined by <br />the Bicycle Enhanced Network. <br />ENG.15 <br />Vehicle Enhanced Network (VEN). Implement the VEN, an 80 mile roadway system of existing <br />DOT, DCP, BOE, BSS, Council Offices <br />2.7 <br />Engineering <br />city streets that have been prioritized for vehicular movement due to their ability to improve <br />vehicular access to the regional freeway system. <br />ENG.16 <br />Los Angeles River. Implement Greenway 2020 (a locally led effort to complete the bicycle <br />RiverWorks Team and local non-profit <br />2.3, 2.4, <br />Engineering <br />path along the entire 32 mile stretch of the Los Angeles River by 2020.) and Los Angeles River <br />partners, Council Offices <br />2.6, 3.1 <br />Greenway Trail to provide a multi -generational trail and provide active transportation options <br />to disadvantaged communities. <br />ENG.17 <br />Bicycle Lane Network. Implement and maintain an interconnected 700 mile bicycle lane <br />DOT, DCP, Council Offices <br />1.4, 2.6, <br />Engineering <br />system 300 of which are intended to be upgraded to protected bicycle lanes. See above BEN. <br />4.14 <br />ENG.18 <br />Pedestrian Enhanced Districts. Implement pedestrian improvements on targeted <br />DOT, DCP, LASAN, Council Offices <br />2.3, 3.1, 3.2 <br />Engineering <br />intersections and arterial street segments based on a set of criteria. <br />ZT <br />v <br />N <br />N <br />A cr, <br />Appendix A <br />