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0 <br />t�_hJ7 <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />N <br />Topic C <br />w <br />ENG.19 <br />First Mile/Last Mile Transit Connectivity Program. Install pedestrian and bicycle connectivity <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />3.5 <br />Engineering <br />improvements at every major Metro transit station by providing enhanced sidewalk amenities <br />such as landscaping, shading, lighting, directional signage, shelters, curb extensions and mid - <br />block crosswalks where feasible, ADA rampos, lead pedestrian interval signal phases, secure <br />bike parking, etc. <br />F.1 <br />Commercial Vehicle Related Revenue: Dedicate revenues generated by commercial vehicle <br />DOT <br />1.7, 4.6 <br />Funding <br />fees to roadway -related purposes <br />F.2 <br />Congestion and Cordon Pricing. Evaluate potential revenues and performance improvements <br />DOT, DCP, Mayor's Office, CLA, SCAG, <br />4.6, 4.8 <br />Funding <br />in congestion relief from the implementation of congestion or cordon pricing. Identify the <br />Council Offices <br />boundaries of, and access points in and out of cordon pricing districts on which to implement <br />congestion pricing. <br />F.3 <br />Coordinated Grant Application. Establish a coordinated effort to applyfor and administer <br />Mayor's Office, Council Offices, LADOT, <br />1.2, 4.6, <br />Funding <br />federal, state, and local transportation grants to provide additional funding to support <br />DCP, Public Works <br />4.11 <br />transportation and streetscape efforts. <br />F.4 <br />Funding Reports. Identify the total amount of funding needed to design, construct and <br />CAO, DOT, BOE, BSS, BOS <br />1.7, 4.6 <br />Funding <br />maintain transportation related priority projects on an on -going basis. Identify existing <br />sources of funds and evaluate funding gaps. <br />F.5 <br />Maintenance Options. Establish procedures and protocols to facilitate partnerships with <br />DOT, BOE, BSS, LASAN Council Offices <br />4.10, 4.6 <br />Funding <br />community groups and the private sector to provide maintenance of street investments; <br />encourage the utilization of assessment districts by local non -profits or businesses to fund <br />and maintain specific infrastructure improvements <br />F.6 <br />Priority Grading System (PGS). Pursue funding for projects based upon the criteria <br />DOT, DCP, BOE, BSS, BSL, LASAN <br />1.7, 4.6 <br />Funding <br />established by the PGS as defined by the Strategic Capital Planning Group. <br />F.7 <br />State Highway Control. Identify funding, and initiate process with Caltrans to transfer <br />Mayor's Office, DOT, DCP Council Offices <br />2.13, 4.6, <br />Funding <br />oversight of, and improve State Highways within the City limits including Lincoln, Santa <br />Monica, Venice and Topanga Canyon Boulevards. <br />F.8 <br />State Highway Funding. Coordinate with Caltrans, other local, regional, state and federal <br />Mayor's Office, DOT, DCP Council Offices <br />2.13, 4.11, <br />Funding <br />agencies, and the private sector to identify and implement funding alternatives for the City's <br />4.6 <br />transportation network including the State highway system. <br />F.9 <br />Active Transportation Funding. Update Mobility Plan every five years to stay competitive for <br />DCP, DOT <br />1.2, 2.15, <br />Funding <br />state funding of active transportation grants. <br />4.6 <br />LA <br />Advocacy for Funding Multi -Modal Infrastructure Projects. Aggressively advocate for <br />Mayor's Office, City Council, CLA <br />1.2, 3.5, 4.6 <br />Legislation <br />continued and expanded Federal, State, Regional, and Local funding for multi -modal <br />transportation programs and infrastructure projects in transportation legislation. Ensure <br />representation of issues with City's lobbyists in Sacramento and Washington DC. <br />Appendix A <br />