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SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />Topic <br />L.2 <br />Legislation Monitoring. Continually monitor and develop state and federal legislation to <br />DOT, DCP, Mayor's Office, CLA <br />4.11, 4.6 <br />Legislation <br />support or oppose legislation that could impact plan/project implementation. <br />L.3 <br />Posted Speed Limit Reductions. Develop and advocate for state legislation to support <br />Mayor's Office, CLA <br />1.4,1.2, 3.2 <br />Legislation <br />reducing posted traffic speeds. Revised methodology should account for all roadway users <br />(including pedestrians and bicyclists), adjacent land uses, and street user demand. <br />L.4 <br />Resetting Speed Limits. Evaluate the effectiveness of the State's speed limit requirements on <br />DOT, City Attorney <br />1.4 <br />Legislation <br />street safety and performance. <br />L.5 <br />Tailpipe Emission Legislation. Support legislation to reduce tailpipe emissions from cars and <br />Mayor's Office, CLA, SCAQMD <br />5.3, 5.4 <br />Legislation <br />trucks. <br />L.6 <br />Vehicular Travel Safety Training. Work with the Los Angeles County Superior Court to <br />DOT, City Attorney, Council Offices <br />1.1 <br />Legislation <br />develop a program that offers training on driving behavior around other users of the roadway <br />to motorists receiving citations and/or involved in collisions with non -auto modes. <br />L.7 <br />Local Street Speed Limit. Advocate for and support for a 20 mph speed limit on all local <br />DOT, City Attorney <br />1.4 <br />Legislation <br />streets within California. <br />MT.1 <br />Bicycle Path Maintenance Program. Regulary inspect and maintain Class I bicycle paths. <br />DOT, BOE, Council Offices <br />1.7 <br />Maintenance <br />MT.2 <br />Crosswalk Maintenance. Implement a crosswalk upgrade and maintenance program to ensure <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />3.2,1.7 <br />Maintenance <br />all crosswalks are kept to City standards. See Street Design Manual. <br />MT.3 <br />Mandeville Canyon Park. Maintain off -road bicycle trails in Mandeville Canyon. <br />RAP <br />1.9 <br />Maintenance <br />MT.4 <br />Notification System. Develop a coordinated interdepartmental maintenance and response <br />Mayor's Office, BSS, BOE, Council Offices <br />4.1, 4.2 <br />Maintenance <br />program for the City's network of roads and bikeways; continue to utilize DPW service <br />request forms and the 311 System for the public to directly inform the City. <br />MT.5 <br />Pavement Preservation Program. Annually fund a baseline pavement preservation program <br />BSS, Council Offices <br />1.7, 4.6 <br />Maintenance <br />that provides for major rehabilitation (resurface and reconstruction) and preventive <br />maintenance (crack and slurry seal). Make annual schedule public and easily accessible on <br />the BSS website. Prioritize bikeways and other areas of high need. BSS to Coordinate non - <br />emergency resurfacing with other departments one year in advance. <br />MT.6 <br />Sidewalk Cleaning. Work with local businesses and community organizations to maintain <br />Mayor's Office, BSS, Council Offices <br />1.7, 4.10 <br />Maintenance <br />sidewalks, along arterials, free of debris <br />MT.7 <br />Sidewalk Repair. Implement a sidewalk improvement program to bring up all existing <br />BSS, Council Offices <br />1.7 <br />Maintenance <br />degraded sidewalk sections to City standards and implement a program to ensure that future <br />degraded sidewalk sections are promptly identified and repaired in a timely manner. <br />MT.8 <br />Street Services Budget Allocation Formula. Continue to utilize the Bureau of Street Services' <br />BSS <br />1.7 <br />Maintenance <br />Budget Allocation Formula that allows for the equalization of pavement conditions citywide. <br />n <br />v <br />N <br />011 <br />Appendix A <br />