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N <br />N c <br />V LT <br />rt <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />N <br />Topic o <br />w <br />MT.9 <br />Street Trees. Implement a tree trimming cycle for all street trees within the public ROW. Use <br />BSS <br />1.7, 2.3 <br />Maintenance <br />Priority Grading System to prioritize streets. <br />MG.1 <br />Five Year Mobility Plan Implementation Report. Develop and submit a report every five years <br />DCP, DOT, BOE, BSS, BSL, BOS, Council <br />4.7 <br />Management <br />detailing accomplishments of prior five years and prepare a proposed work plan for the next <br />Offices <br />five year cycle. <br />MG.2 <br />Green Streets Committee. Continue the Green Streets Committee to identify and evaluate <br />DOT, DCP, BOE, BSS, LASAN <br />5.5, 4.6, 4.7 <br />Management <br />the effectiveness of existing green street features and to continue to identify funding and <br />location options in which to upgrade with green street features. <br />MG.3 <br />Off -Peak Deliveries. Identify and Implement incentives to encourage off-peak hour delivery <br />DOT, DCP, Mayor's Office <br />2.10 <br />Management <br />operations. <br />MG.4 <br />Regional Cooperation. Work cooperatively with adjoining jurisdictions and agencies to <br />DOT, DCP, Metro, Mayor's Office, SCAG <br />3.7, 4.11 <br />Management <br />coordinate transportation related planing and implementation activities to ensure regional <br />connectivity. <br />MG.5 <br />State Highway Management. Collaborate with Caltrans on any modifications to the State <br />DOT, DCP, Caltrans, Council Offices <br />2.13 <br />Management <br />highway system necessary to accommodate new development or on any modifications to <br />City's transportation network. <br />MG.6 <br />State Highway Management continued. Cooperate with Caltrans to identify State highway <br />DOT, DCP, Caltrans, Council Offices <br />2.13, 4.11 <br />Management <br />deficiencies and associated improvement plans, to be used in the City's long range planning <br />and individual project review. <br />MG.7 <br />Transportation Management Organizations. Continue to work with businesses and future <br />DCP, DOT, Council Offices <br />4.9 <br />Management <br />development projects to establish geographically and/or industry based Transportation <br />Management Organizations throughout the Cityfor the purposes of implementing a <br />coordinated transportation demand management program. <br />MG.8 <br />Non -Ownership Models for Vehicle Mobility. Support existing and future innovations that <br />DOT, Metro, BIDS, Chambers of <br />4.1, 4.2, <br />Management <br />support access to vehicle mobility without the cost and responsibility of ownership. <br />Commerce, Departments of Aging and <br />4.10, 5.2, <br />Disability, User Groups, Council Offices <br />5.4 <br />0.1 <br />City Fleet. Convert the City's, including proprietary departments, fleets into alternative fuel, <br />GSD, LAWA, POLA, DPW <br />5.3, 5.4 <br />Operations <br />very- low and zero -emission vehicles. <br />0.2 <br />City Work -related Trips. Instruct departments to establish protocols to facilitate the use <br />Mayor's Office, GSD, Council Offices <br />4.8, 4.9 <br />Operations <br />of transit for short trips (< 5 miles during work hours when the employee does not need to <br />transport materials). Facilitate non -vehicular alternatives to City employees for work -related <br />trips. <br />0.3 <br />Construction Zone Standards. Implement and expand upon standard procedures as defined <br />DOT, BSS, BOE, DWP, POLA, Utilities, <br />1.6 <br />Operations <br />in the MUTCD to ensure safe bicycle and pedestrian travel through construction zones and <br />Council Offices <br />detours. <br />Appendix A <br />