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SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />n <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />Topic <br />0.4 <br />Feeder Network/Transit Circulator (DASH System and Commuter Express). Coordinate <br />DOT <br />3.4 <br />Operations <br />local bus transit services so as to provide neighborhoods with local feeder buses where the <br />roadway system permits. <br />0.5 <br />Flyaway Shuttle. Continue the Flyaway Shuttle service from Westwood, Van Nuys, Expo, La <br />LAWA <br />3.4, 3.6, 3.7 <br />Operations <br />Brea and Union Station locations, and evaluate other regional locations, such as San Pedro, <br />for expanded service. <br />0.6 <br />Operational Efficiencies. Establish and strengthen public/private partnerships (with the <br />DOT, POLA, Mayor's Office, Council <br />2.8, 4.10 <br />Operations <br />goods movement industry) to coordinate and improve operational efficiencies for the <br />Offices <br />movement of goods. Work could include the implementation of incentives to encourage <br />off-peak and extended hour Port operations, an appointment system, the consideration of <br />short -haul intermodal rail operations, and the establishment of an Advanced Transportation <br />Management and Information System (ATM IS) which would include changeable message <br />signs and video surveillance. <br />0.7 <br />Region -Wide Traffic Control Center. Link all of the traffic control centers in region on a 24 <br />Mayor's Office, ITA, DOT, Metro, Caltrans. <br />4.1, 4.2 <br />Operations <br />hour basis. <br />0.8 <br />Shuttle Bus. Work with special event providers, employers and community -based <br />DOT, Mayor's Office, DOA, Council Offices <br />3.2, 3.4, 3.5 <br />Operations <br />organizations to identify and implement shuttle bus programs to serve as a first -mile, last -mile <br />solution between transit stations and special events and/or specific populations. Continue <br />programs like Cityride, to provide transportation assistance for senior citizens and individuals <br />with disabilities. <br />0.9 <br />Signal Timing. Identify opportunities to re -time street signals to provide safer speeds, <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />1.4, 2.3, <br />Operations <br />improve safety for all, and create smoother traffic throughput. Identify opportunities to <br />2.5, 2.6 <br />re -time street signals to allow longer crossing times for bicyclists and pedestrians in large <br />intersections. <br />0.10 <br />Transit Coordination. Actively collaborate with regional transit partners to achieve seamless <br />DOT, IT, and other transit providers, <br />3.4, 4.11 <br />Operations <br />transfers between systems, including scheduling, ticketing, shared fare systems, and stops <br />Mayor's Office <br />and loading areas. <br />0.11 <br />Transit/Event Coordination. Facilitate collaboration between regional transit partners and <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />4.2, 3.4 <br />Operations <br />event providers to provide and promote awareness of additional and timely transit service <br />before and after large events. <br />0.12 <br />Improve the Flow of Freight Traffic. Identify and implement strateigies to facilitate the flow <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />2.8 <br />Operations <br />of freight traffic. <br />0.13 <br />Truck Inspections and Service Patrol. Identify locations for temporary and long-term truck <br />DCP <br />2.8 <br />Operations <br />inspection stations and Implement a Truck Service Patrol Program to remove disabled <br />commercial trucks from freeway lanes. <br />0.14 <br />Improve the Flow of Passenger Traffic. Identify and implement strategies to provide reliable <br />DCP, DOT, Council Offices <br />2.5, 3.4 <br />Operations <br />travel times during peak hours and during special events. <br />n <br />3 <br />v <br />rt <br />N1 CD <br />00 <br />Appendix A <br />